Approvals/Waivers for Obligation of Funds for Data Servers and Centers

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 09/01/15

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This memo provides amplifying guidance regarding Department of the Navy implementation of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authority delegated by the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) to the Military Departments for the approval of all data server and data center related obligations, except as noted below:

  • Existing data centers obligating development and/or modernization resources within twelve (12) months of planned closure as reported in the DoD Data Center Inventory Management (DCIM) system
  • Existing data centers without records in DCIM
  • Establishment of a new data center


Ref: (a) DON Chief Information Officer Memorandum, Limitation on Obligation of Funds for Data Servers and Centers, of July 18, 2012
(b) DoD Chief Information Officer Memorandum, Approvals/Waivers for Obligation of Funds for Data Servers and Centers, of June 9, 2014
(c) DoD Chief Information Officer Memorandum, Office of the Secretary of Defense Guidance for Fiscal Year 2016 Information Technology Budget Submissions, of August 8, 2014
(d) DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) Memorandum, Changes in DoD Data Center Inventory and Consolidation Implementation Plan Reporting Requirements, March 31, 2015

Encl: (1) DON NDAA Waiver Request Form
(2) DON NDAA Waiver Request Form Instructions
(3) DON NDAA Waiver Scope Matrix and FAQ
(4) DON Urgent NDAA Waiver Procedures

This memorandum cancels and replaces reference (a).

The purpose of this memo is to provide amplifying guidance regarding Department of the Navy (DON) implementation of authority delegated by the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) to the Military Departments in reference (b) for the approval of all data server and data center related obligations, except as noted below:

  • Existing data centers obligating development and/or modernization resources within twelve (12) months of planned closure as reported in the DoD Data Center Inventory Management (DCIM) system
  • Existing data centers without records in DCIM
  • Establishment of a new data center
To enhance understanding and compliance with DoD CIO policy and to accelerate DON approval for data server and data center related obligations, the following information is enclosed:
  • DON NDAA Waiver Request Form: Enclosure (1)
  • DON NDAA Waiver Request Form Instructions: Enclosure (2)
  • DON NDAA Waiver Scope Matrix and FAQ: Enclosure (3)
  • DON Urgent NDAA Waiver Procedures: Enclosure (4)
The DON will continue the following practices in regard to obligation of funds for data servers and data centers:
  • DON CIO will submit quarterly Data Center Obligation Summary Reports for the Secretariat, the Navy and the Marine Corps to DoD CIO within 45 days of the end of each fiscal year quarter;
  • The DON Secretariat, Navy, and Marine Corps will maintain complete and accurate data center budgets in the DOD Information Technology Investment Portal (DITIP);
    • DITIP is the official database for data center budgets; however, Budget Submitting Offices (BSOs) must ensure their information is also accounted for in PBIS-IT. At a minimum, data center funding must be budgeted at the Unique Investment Identifier (UII) level (further breakdown or tracking is encouraged but not required).
    • There is no feed or link between PBIS-IT and DITIP; but data center budget updates will be cross-referenced to PBIS-IT to ensure DITIP data does not exceed the budget for any given UII.
  • The DON Secretariat, Navy, and Marine Corps will maintain complete and accurate data center facility inventory records in the DoD Data Center Inventory Management (DCIM) system;
  • DON CIO will ensure that each Secretariat, Navy, and Marine Corps data server and data center related investment aligns with the planned end-state, milestones, and dates reported in DCIM and DITIP as part of the NDAA Waiver review and approval process; and
  • To ensure that all transactions are properly recorded and reported in accordance with this guidance, the NDAA Waiver review and approval process shall include the use of the Navy's Information Dominance Approval System (NAV IDAS) and the Marine Corps' Information Technology Procurement Request/Review and Approval System (ITPRAS) as the sole Navy and Marine Corps vehicles for submitting and processing NDAA Waivers within the DON.
The DON CIO point of contact for this matter is Mr. Randy Darrow, 703-695-1986,

Signed by:
Robert W. Foster
Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer