CDT is a champion of global online civil liberties and human rights, driving policy outcomes that keep the Internet open, innovative, and free.

At the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), we believe in the power of the Internet. Whether it's facilitating entrepreneurial endeavors, providing access to new markets and opportunities, or creating a platform for free speech, the Internet empowers, emboldens and equalizes people around the world.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we work to preserve the user-controlled nature of the Internet and champion freedom of expression. We support laws, corporate policies, and technology tools that protect the privacy of Internet users, and advocate for stronger legal controls on government surveillance.

With offices in Washington, DC and San Francisco, and an international presence in London and Brussels, CDT works inclusively across sectors and the political spectrum to find tangible solutions to today's most pressing Internet policy challenges.


Who We Are

We are a team of experts with deep knowledge of issues pertaining to the Internet, privacy, security, technology, and intellectual property. We come from academia, private enterprise, government, and the non-profit worlds to translate complex policy into action.


For the last 20 years, CDT has been working at the forefront of public policy, advancing an open, innovative, and free Internet. CDT’s work has led to groundbreaking legislation, landmark court cases, and new industry standards and practices.



Our funding is diverse, balanced, and impartial.

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Exchanging views and seeking actionable solutions.

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Annual Dinner

The most influential minds of the tech policy world, the issues your organization will be facing in the future and the connections that can help you tackle them. Check back soon for the date of our 2016 Tech Prom!