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Privacy at Oracle

Oracle respects your preferences concerning the collection and use of your Personal Information. The following privacy policies are tailored for the different ways your Personal Information is collected by different Oracle lines of business and offerings.

  • The Oracle Privacy Policy addresses information we collect at our web sites and in off-line sales and marketing activities.
  • The Services Privacy Policy addresses customer data to which we may be provided access in order to perform consulting, product support, outsourcing and other services.
  • The Oracle Marketing Cloud & Oracle Data Cloud Privacy Policy addresses how Oracle facilitates the collection and use of marketing and interest information to enable interest-based advertising by Oracle’s Marketing Cloud and Oracle Data Cloud customers.
  • The Recruiting Privacy Policy policy addresses information we may collect in connection with Oracle's employment recruiting efforts.
  • The Profit Magazine and Oracle Magazine privacy policy addresses information we may collect from subscribers to these publications.

If you would like to exercise preferences or learn more about how you can control Oracle's collection and use of your personal information, please refer to the Privacy Choices tab.

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