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Limited Submissions

What are Limited Submissions?

A limited submission proposal is a type of broad agency announcement, request for proposal, or other funding opportunity, in which the sponsor restricts the number of applications or proposals that can be submitted by an institution or a unit within an institution. When multiple eligible principal investigators (PIs) or teams of PIs are interested in submitting a proposal to such a funding opportunity, institutions must consider pre-proposals or nominations to determine which application or applications will be submitted to the relevant external agency. Typically, institutions are permitted to submit one or two proposals to the sponsor of a limited submission proposal call.

How do I apply?

Faculty should contact the Office of Grants and Contracts Administration (OGCA) at limitedsubmissions@unt.edu to submit pre-proposals (in the format specified below) for consideration, on or before the internal UNT deadline, or if they have questions about the limited submissions process.

What is required in a Pre-Proposal?

A principal investigator must complete a pre-proposal as outlined below, while adhering to the parameters of the selection criteria noted in the sponsor’s solicitation:

  • Pre-Proposal Outline (approximately three pages):
    • Project Summary and Intellectual Merit
    • Broader Impact
    • Approach and Methods
    • Resources: Team Members and Facilities (please summarize)
    • Total Estimated Budget (conceptual over award period)
    • Total Estimated Cost Share (with breakout)
  • Biographical Sketch for the principal investigator(s) / Co-PI(s) (2 pages maximum; sample NSF guideline)
  • A list of current and pending grant support for the PIs, including a brief discussion of the goals of each grant and, if relevant, a statement of overlap with the current application (sample other support; NSF guideline)
  • If the application is a resubmission include a brief summary of the prior submission with review comments noted
  • Complete and sign the Lead PI Commitment Statement
  • Submit comprehensive final pre-proposal package to LimitedSubmissions@unt.edu
  • Pre-proposals are due by the Internal Due Date listed on the “Upcoming Limited Submission Opportunities” posted on the Limited Submissions webpage  – or, if not on that list, six weeks before the agency’s published proposal submission deadline. This will provide ample time for the PI to prepare a full proposal if selected.
    If an opportunity is identified that is not on the "Upcoming Limited Submission Opportunities" posted on the Limited Submissions webpage and is inside of six weeks prior to the agency's published proposal submission deadline, priority will be given to the first GSC request received for that proposal.  GCS requests can be made through the following link.

How are Limited Submission proposals selected and submitted?

Review of pre-proposals is administered by the ORED.

Notification of selections to applicants will be sent from the ORED.

Final proposal(s) will be submitted through the Office of Grants & Contracts Administration (OGCA) to the sponsor. Request a Grants and Contracts Specialist

How do I find current Limited Submission opportunities?

Upcoming Limited Submission opportunities can we viewed on the Limited Submission Opportunities webpage. This list of pertinent limited submission funding opportunities is by no means exhaustive, containing those opportunities of potential broad interest or that have been the subject of demonstrated interest in recent years. Faculty are encouraged to identify additional opportunities as early as possible. Typically this process begins six weeks before the agency’s published proposal submission deadline.

To view a more comprehensive list of current Limited Submission opportunities faculty and staff are encouraged to use the search tool PIVOT. For more information on using this tool please contact OGCA.

To view all NSF Limited Submission Opportunities click here.

 Who do I contact for more information?

For questions related to Limited Submissions contact LimitedSubmissions@unt.edu

To request a Grants & Contracts Specialist select Request a Grants and Contracts Specialist under Pre Award on the OGCA homepage.