This information is sourced from the Community Counseling Clinic website. Additional details may be available from the source page.

The UNT-Dallas Community Counseling Clinic (CCC) is open to all community members, and UNT-Dallas students seeking counseling or mental health services for themselves or their loved ones. The Center is operated by Graduate Counseling Students who are on their way to completing their professional training for obtaining their licensure or certification with the state of Texas.

All counseling services are supervised by the Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor. The clinic is open year-round when University classes are in session. Appointments are available Mondays-Thursdays.Evening hours are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.The clinic is closed when the University cancels classes due to holidays, weather, or university breaks.UNTD CCC counselors work with clients to ensure appropriate support is available when the clinic is not open.

To schedule an appointment please call 972-780-3646

Click to answer questions about CCC

Click for virtual tour of CCC

Haga clic aquí para ver un tour por nuestra clínica.

What students are saying

"I love UNT Dallas and the people here. The university is filled with genuine people that care about your future and make sure you are on the right path."

Ruhama, Class of 2018
Human Services Management & Leadership
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