Eligibility and Membership Requirements

Admission to the Honors College

The Honors College is looking forward to recruiting talented and motivated undergraduates who wish to enter the Honors College. The goal of the Honors College is to provide undergraduate students with an enriched academic and intellectual experience both in and beyond the classroom. Toward that goal, we seek to admit qualified students who will thrive in Honors. General guidelines for eligibility and membership requirements are provided below.


Honors College membership requires test scores and a high school record demonstrating motivation and academic accomplishment.

To be eligible for consideration, a student must possess:

  • A score of at least 1200 on the math and verbal sections of the SAT or a score of at least 27 on the ACT,
  • An unweighted GPA of at least 3.75 (on a 4.00 scale) and rank in the top 20 percent of the high school graduating class, and
  • An essay that addresses one of the questions on the application form.

The admissions committee also reviews other aspects of the high school academic record, including courses taken and type of program completed.

Transfer and Continuing UNT Students

The Honors College admits transfer and continuing UNT students on the basis of their achievement in college classes already taken.

To be eligible for consideration, a transfer or continuing student must possess

  • A GPA of at least 3.35 on all college work,
  • Fewer than 72 credit hours by the time the student takes their first honors course at UNT (the first full semester of membership), and
  • An overall academic record compatible with Honors College goals and practices.


For additional questions about eligibility or to make an appointment with the Admissions Coordinator, please contact Rene.Martinez@unt.edu.