This information is sourced from the Police Department website. Additional details may be available from the source page.


Building Evacuation PDF »

In the event of a fire, fire alarms will sound (a loud chirping noise) with flashing lights. Then:

  1. All persons should take personal items and exit the building in an orderly manner via the nearest exit doors.
  2. Persons exiting the building should continue to walk away from the building until they are on the far side of the parking lot from the building.
  4. Do not re-enter the building until UNT Police advise of an ALL CLEAR.


Severe Weather: Shelter in Place »

In the event of a tornado warning of if a tornado is sighted near the University property and University buildings:

  1. UNT Police will sound the siren from their vehicle if available and will otherwise announce a tornado warning.
  2. All faculty, staff, students and visitors should take personal items and proceed to each building’s lowest floor and take shelter in an area away from windows and doors.
  3. Stairwells provide significant shelter.
  4. In Building 1 (DAL 1), first floor hallways in Student Services and Advising will serve as emergency areas.
  5. In Building 2 (Founder's Hall), first floor hallways away from windows and doors and the small auditorium, Room 101.

Weapons on Campus

Surviving an Active Shooter (video)» 
Armed Intruder/Active Shooter PDF »

In the event you see someone with a weapon or you are told someone has a weapon:

  1. Dial 3000 from any campus phone or (972) 780-3000 from a non-campus phone and provide the police officer with the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Exact location of the person with the weapon or where they were last seen
    3. The name of the person suspected of having the weapon (if known)
    4. A brief description of the person, such as clothing, race, sex, height, etc.
    5. The weapon type (shotgun, rifle, pistol, knife, etc.)
    6. If anyone is injured
  2. Evacuate the area if it is safe to do so.
  3. If evacuation isn’t possible, shelter in place in an office or classroom. Lock all doors and stay away from windows.
  4. Under no circumstances should you approach the person and inquire about the weapon.

Chemical Spill

If a chemical is spilled in your work area that could pose a health risk:

  1. Leave the area immediately.
  2. Dial 3000 from any campus phone or (972) 780-3000 from a non-campus phone and provide the police officer with the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. The building number or address (DAL 1 is 7300 University Hills Blvd.; DAL 2 is 7400 University Hills Blvd.)
    3. Exact location of the spill (room number)
    4. What type of chemical was spilled (if known)
    5. If anyone was injured
  3. Alert others in your immediate work are of the situation.
  4. Keep a safe distance and attempt to secure the area.
  5. Do not allow anyone to enter the area until the spill has been removed or declared safe.

Hostage Situation

Surviving an Active Shooter (video)» 
Armed Intruder/Active Shooter PDF »

In the event of a hostage situation, if you can do so without exposing yourself or another to danger:

  1. Dial 3000 from any campus phone or (972) 780-3000 from a non-campus phone and provide the police officer with the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Exact location of the hostage taker(s) or where they were last seen
    3. How many hostages have been taken (if known)
    4. A brief description of the person, such as clothing, race, sex, height, etc.
    5. The weapon type (shotgun, rifle, pistol, knife, etc.)
    6. If anyone is injured
  2. Start an immediate evacuation of the area if it is safe to do so. If you cannot evacuate safely, close and lock the door and stay in your work area until the proper authority advises you that is all clear.
  3. Under no circumstances should you approach the person if you are the hostage; cooperate with the hostage taker until the issue has been resolved.

Medical Emergency

In the event of a medical emergency:

  1. Dial 9-911 FIRST if the situation appears to be life-threatening:
    1. Provide the 911 call operator the follow directions: “We are located at UNT Dallas, 7300 University Hills Blvd., in room (provide the room number) of building (provide the building number).”
  2. If not immediately life-threatening or after 911 has been notified, dial 3000 from any campus phone or (972) 780-3000 from a non-campus phone and provide the police officer with the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Exact location of the individual in need of assistance (room number, building)
    3. What symptoms the individual is displaying or what injuries have been sustained
  3. When the officer arrives and requests the device, an automatic defibrillator is located next to the elevators on each floor.

Inclement Weather

Severe Weather: Shelter in Place PDF »

In the case of impending inclement weather (snow and ice) while you are at work:

  1. Watch for information disseminated over the Jaguar Alert System (JAS), Outlook e-mail, and the Jaguar Information Network (JIN) digital screens around the campus.
  2. If inclement weather is about to affect the University campus with limited advanced warning, refer to the procedures used during a tornado warning.
  3. Information on weather closings will be relayed on the University Web site, Outlook e-mail, through the JAS and JIN, and with the following local news outlets no later than 7 a.m. on the effected day:
    1. Dallas-Fort Worth Television Stations:
      • FOX (4)
      • NBC (5)
      • WFAA (8)
      • CBS (11)
      • KXTA (21)
      • KDFW (27)
    2. Dallas-Fort Worth Radio Stations:
      • AM 820
      • AM 1080
      • AM 1190
      • FM 92.5
      • FM 97.1
      • FM 98.7
      • FM 100.3
      • FM 102.1
      • FM 102.9
      • FM 103.7
      • FM 105.3
      • FM 106.1

Bomb Threat

Building Evacuation PDF »

  1. In the event of a bomb threat:
    1. Do not hang up; keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
    2. If possible, work through the bomb threat questionnaire, located here.
    3. Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper, noting as much detail as possible.
    4. Using a different phone than the phone the bomb threat came in on, dial 3000 on any University campus phone or (972) 780-3000 from a non-campus phone. Remember NOT to hang up the phone the threat came in on.
    5. When you reach the officer, provide the following information:
      1. Your name
      2. That you have just received a bomb threat
      3. The time of the call and approximately how long the caller remained on the line
      4. Close all windows and doors except in your immediate area
      5. Start an immediate evacuation of the area; take only necessary personal items
      6. Give the bomb threat questionnaire to police officers as soon as possible
      7. Persons exiting the building should continue to walk away from the building until they are on the far side of the parking lot from the building.
      8. Do not allow anyone to enter the building until police and security advise of an ALL CLEAR

Bomb Threat Questionnaire

  1. Write down the phone number of the caller if you have caller ID.
  2. Write down the exact words the caller says.
  3. If the caller pauses, ask as many of the following questions as possible:
    1. Where is the bomb exactly?
    2. When is it going to explode?
    3. What is the bomb made of?
    4. What does the bomb look like?
    5. What will set the bomb off?
    6. Why did you place the bomb?
    7. If not, who did?
  4. If the caller hangs up before you can ask any questions, do NOT hang up the phone; go to another phone and call UNT police immediately.
  5. From another phone notify police of:
    1. Time the call was received
    2. Time the caller hung up
    3. The phone number at which the call was received
    4. Gender of the caller (male or female)
    5. Approximate age
    6. Any regional or foreign accents
    7. Characteristics of the caller’s voice (calm, nasal, soft, angry, stutter, loud, excited, lisp, laughter, slow, rasp, crying, rapid, deep, distinct, normal, slurred, ragged, accent, whispered, crackling, disguised, deep breathing)
    8. The caller’s language (well-spoken or educated, incoherent, foul, taped, read, irrational, rehearsed)
    9. Any discernible background noise (street noise, machinery, voices, clear, PA system, static, motors, office noises, music, train, animal noises, keyboard typing, television).
    10. Any other relevant information

Reporting a Crime

Individuals should immediately report alleged criminal actions (including sex offenses) or emergencies that occur on or off campus of the University through any of the following means:

For Emergencies:

Dial 911 on campus, or any emergency telephone located throughout the campus. Emergencies include any crime in progress, medical emergencies, a person being forced into a vehicle, a strange car repeatedly driving in the same area of campus, any intoxicated person, a safety hazard, or any situation that you believe is suspicious or dangerous. Individuals with hearing impairments should dial (800) RELAY TX (TTY).

For Non-Emergencies:

  • call campus police at (972) 780-3000 or personally visit the UNT Dallas police/ security center located in Building 1 (DAL 1); 
  • use a marked emergency telephone in locations throughout the campus (the phones are distinguished by a blue light on a tall pole marked “Emergency”); 
  • contact an officer in uniform on patrol;
  • request that any campus official assist with reporting the alleged crime; 
  • TTY callers: (800) RELAY TX 

Campus Crime Authority

You are encouraged to report alleged crimes by using the above means; however, there are campus officials to whom you may also report a crime who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, but do not have significant counseling responsibilities. These officials include all deans, directors, department chairs, and administrators at the Associate Provost level or higher. For names and numbers of such officials, please use the University Directory or call the University operator at (972) 780-3600.

Campus police will review reports of alleged criminal activity and either send an officer immediately or refer the report for subsequent investigation, depending upon the nature and seriousness of the offense involved. Individuals reporting an alleged crime should attempt to preserve evidence that might prove the crime was committed. All criminal incidents are investigated by campus police. Campus police response(s) include, but are not limited to:

  • immediate response to emergencies through dispatch of one or more officers; 
  • investigation of reports in accordance with procedures; 
  • arrest and filing of charges, depending upon the circumstances of the incident; 
  • referring alleged offenders to appropriate campus agencies, such as the Office of Student Life & Success; and 
  • making timely warning and reports of crimes that represent a continuing threat to students and employees. 

Timely Warning

UNT Dallas provides timely warning to the campus community by posting crime awareness alerts when a crime is considered to represent a continuing threat to students or employees.

Based on the circumstances of the crime alert, bulletins are sent to campus and local newspapers, posted on campus bulletin boards or other appropriate locations, and sent out on campus e-mail and through the Jaguar Alert System (if deemed appropriate by authorized officials).