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pROfiLE (the clubs formerly known as Artfelt & Academy Players)

pROfiLE aspires to encourage self expression through the arts, to provide an atmosphere for creative growth, and to help the community through artistic projects. The "ROLE" in "Profile" is capitalized to emphasize the theatrical aspect of the club while the entire word relates to profiles in visual arts.

pROfiLE is about how we use theatre and visual arts to express our unique identities.

Artfelt Video
Ambassadors Ambassadors works to bridge the gap between current students and prospective TAMSters by allowing students to take part in Preview and interview Days, Spend-A-Days, and other outreach opportunities. CONTACT
Intro Video
Amnesty International Amnesty International's mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. CONTACT
Computer Science Computer Science Club seeks to foster interest in multiple fields of programming, for both beginners and advanced students. CONTACT
Dancing for a Cause Dancing for a Cause is an organization uniting individuals of all ages under one common interest, that is, dance; and through this common interest creating a large student volunteering body to make a larger impact on the community, for the community, and for the world. CONTACT
Dull Roar Dull Roar is TAMS's music organization and welcomes all TAMS students, regardless of music experience, to join; aside from weekly ensemble rehearsals, Dull Roar also participates in and encourages TAMSters to experience the local music scene and continue (or begin!) individual passions for music.  CONTACT
Intro Video
FACES  The Fellowship for the Advancement of Cultural Education for Students (FACES) is a multicultural club at UNT whose mission is to unite people by embracing cultural diversity, realize and respect different perspectives, and discuss and bring awareness to pressing global issues.   CONTACT
Intro Video
FEE (Facilitating Education Everywhere) We strive to provide a greater education for impoverished individuals in marginalized areas of the world by spreading awareness and encouraging donations in the form of educational tools, books, and school supplies. We will have various volunteer opportunities with Denton ISD schools throughout the year.  Facebook
Forward Tutoring Forward Tutoring promotes community service and education by being a student-led 501(c)(3) non profit that provides free online quality tutoring to under served students in exchange for their volunteer hours. CONTACT
Intro Video
HOPE HOPE's goal is to better the lives of those in the community close to us as well as those far from us; we Help Other People Everywhere. CONTACT
Intro Video
Ignite Ignite Bible Study is a student led group worship session that meets weekly to praise, sing and learn about God's word.  Each week, we have GA's to allow our students to share their testimonies, study Bible verses, listen to seminars or even play fun games!  Whether you are a Christian or not, feel free to stop by, ask questions and participate politely.  Ignite welcomes you. CONTACT
Intro Video
Ion Newspaper The Ion Newspaper was founded with the purpose of uniting the TAMS community through shared experiences. We work hard to make the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science a place where not only math and science are important.  We offer a place for creative expression and comedic relief through writing, photography, videography, and web design. CONTACT
JETS (Junior Engineering and Technical Society) & Robotics We strive to cultivate a passion for science, engineering, and technology within TAMS and the Denton community through participation in various competitions, such as Science Olympiad and FIRST Robotics, and in several STEM based community service projects. CONTACT
Jets Facebook
Robotics Facebook
Intro Video
JSA JSA (the Junior State of America) is a discussion-based club, focused on the political and social issues facing our nation today. This year will be packed with more amazing events and programs than any other year we have been at TAMS  CONTACT
Intro Video
Judicial Board The Judicial Board is a collection of TAMS students that serve in a section of the disciplinary system within TAMS.  CONTACT
McConnell Hall Association TAMS McConnell Hall Association is an organization dedicated to uniting the students of UNT and the students of TAMS. In addition, TAMS MHA strives to provide a place for all students attending TAMS. CONTACT
Intro Video
Media Design Club Media Design Club... CONTACT
Model UN Model United Nations is a group that simulates the actual United Nations.  We work to promote strong debate/speaking skills amongst our members, and offer the chance to attend different conferences every year, with potential to come away with awards.  Members learn about international relations through respecting diversity, accepting different viewpoints, and finding peaceful, global solutions to the world’s major problems. CONTACT
MOE In addition to bringing happiness and relaxation to the TAMS community, our main mission is to support an organization called Child’s Play -- a charity committed to improving the lives of children through the power of video games, toys, books, and more! CONTACT
Morals & Ethics Club ... CONTACT
Mu Alpha Theta Mission: To recognize and foster mathematical interests in the student body of TAMS and to encourage participation in math related activities and competitions. TAMS Tournament CONTACT
Naturally Naturally, the TAMS environmental club, is committed to not only creating awareness of environmental issues in the community but also actively working towards sustainability at McConnell Hall, UNT, and Denton.  CONTACT
Facebook Intro Video
ProjectSmile We exist to make you smile. We do this by creating/eating good food, holding fun events, and holding fundraisers to give back to our community. CONTACT
Research Organization

Research Organization (RO) is committed to helping TAMS students excel in the fields of research. We connect you to research-related competitions (TJAS, TJSHS, Siemens, and the Intel ISEF-affiliated Science Fairs to name a few) as well as science-based volunteering in the community through the Aspire Exposition and Mentorship programs.

Intro Video
SAGA TAMS SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) is a group dedicated to providing a safe space at TAMS to talk about LGBT issues as well as raise money for LGBT charities, all while providing a social community. CONTACT
Skybound Prep Skybound Prep's mission is to provide effective free online college preparation services to as many students as possible. We offer live SAT private lessons, practice questions, and much more. Our lessons are completely online and are taught by volunteer tutors. If anyone is interested in volunteering for Skybound click the Contact button. CONTACT
Intro Video
Sports Club Our mission is to encourage TAMS students to interact with one another and foster a sense of community through sports. CONTACT
Intro Video
Student Council The TAMS Student Council is the bridge connecting the student body to the TAMS administration. Through numerous events, service projects, and general assemblies, the TAMS Student Council aims to provide resources and other services to the students and organizations in the TAMS community. CONTACT
Intro Video
TAMS 3D Printing Club ... CONTACT
TAMS Business Organzation Our goal is to educate students and instill passion in the field of business and to show its role in both professional and everyday life. CONTACT
TAMS Chef Masters ... CONTACT
TAMS Linguistics Society TAMS Linguistics Society (TLS) brings together students who enjoy studying foreign languages and provides them with an environment that fosters this interest.  We will participate in multilingual activities and information sessions. TLS serves as an outlet for those who wish to discuss their love of language in the science and math-minded atmosphere of TAMS. CONTACT
TAMS Medical Society TAMS Medical Society is dedicated to enriching the medical experience of TAMS students through a host of activities, including, but not limited to, shadowing, volunteering, service, current events, and competitions. CONTACT
Intro Video
Teach and Learn Teach and Learn's goal is to provide academic support and tutoring to TAMS students; we host review sessions, fund-raisers, and comprehensive test preparation sessions. CONTACT
The Supply at UNT The Supply is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to create schools in Kenya centered on service learning. Our organization thereby activates the urban slum youth in its schools to tackle issues in urban areas. The Supply is redefining education through raising awareness for its cause, working to raise funds, and giving donations to support its schools, its students, and their impactful projects. CONTACT
FB Group
Intro Video
Yearbook Yearbook's goal is to capture and preserve the moments that take place throughout the year and ensure that our time at TAMS is no forgotten.  CONTACT

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