The Office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technologies has made available several quick guides and material to introduce faculty new to online teaching and learning to some of the important things to consider with distance education. The following documents are Adobe PDF. If you do not have the latest version of Adobe Reader, click here to download it.

Brochures for faculty


Introduction to the Office of Distance Learning at UNT Dallas (Adobe PDF File 251 Kb)

The Office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technologies supports faculty and assists in providing students with online learning opportunities through distance learning, as well as a wide array of instructional technologies that empower the design and development of learning environments and contribute to student success.


Intro to Blackboard Learn for Teachers - Faculty Brochure (Adobe PDF File 741 Kb)

With the use of Blackboard Learn, the learning management system used at UNT Dallas, you can save time in and out of the classroom letting you grade student work and create course assignments much easier. Blackboard Learn organizes your online courses and delivers the tools you need to provide your students with a rich education. With the platform's intuitive design, you can easily share engaging content, create and grade assignments, and give students feedback. This guide provides detailed information about creating and managing Courses through Blackboard.


Blackboard Best Practices (Adobe PDF File 501 Kb)

This document outlines best practice in structure, content and accessibility when creating courses within Blackboard Learn. 


A Survival Guide to Teaching Online (Adobe PDF File 167 Kb)

Once you have your course site developed, the fun begins! This brochure contains timely information to help you implement your course site and anticipate possible challenges. Hopefully, you’ve developed all your content by now, but you need to continue engaging students in the course site, especially if you are teaching a fully-online course. You need to have a regular presence so students feel there is someone on the other end.


Developing a Learning-Centered Syllabus: A Walkthrough (Adobe PDF File 209 Kb)

Syllabi serve several functions. First and foremost, they communicate individual faculty member decisions about teaching and learning to students. Syllabi also reflect disciplinary, departmental, and school and university wide norms regarding pedagogy, style, and the way faculty work together to develop curricula. In fulfilling the University’s responsibilities to external accreditors, state agencies, parents, and other stakeholders, syllabi also play an important role in reflecting a vision of shared governance among faculty, students, and academic administrators across the University. The points in this brochure provide a reflective walkthrough of the syllabus development process.


Best Practices and Tips for Creating and Deploying Tests on Blackboard (Adobe PDF File 115 Kb)

Blackboard's Test features provide a basic method to build online tests using different question types, the ability to import question pools, and the ability to manage certain testing and feedback options. Blackboard separates the processes of creating and deploying a test into two different stages. The following tips and recommendations are made for test creation and test deployment (items such as test availability and test presentation) to assist in minimizing common problems.


Mastering Online Discussion Board Facilitation (Adobe PDF File 110 Kb)

Discussion boards, or threaded discussions, are one of the most commonly used tools in online teaching. Discussion forums provide the ability for asynchronous discussion to occur over a period of time. The ability to learn asynchronously is one of the primary benefits of online learning. Students are able to reflect upon their ideas before sharing them with the class, leading to more reflective responses and in-depth learning. This guide has been designed to provide some practical suggestions to assist you in making the most of this versatile tool. A number of topics have been addressed, including: facilitation tips, content area suggestions, time management strategies and much more.


Copyright in Online Environments (Adobe PDF File 584 Kb)

There are a variety of legal issues that impact instructors in the classroom. The Internet and other digital technologies in education have impacted these same laws and our understanding of how they apply to teaching and learning. The following information is a guide to consider when distributing materials online.


Accessibility in Online Learning Environments (Adobe PDF File 179 Kb)

Federal legislation, like the American Disabilities Act, Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, outlines the requirements for federal agencies to accommodate people of all abilities. For faculty, it is important to understand how these civil rights laws affect higher education and impact university services. At the course level, these laws can affect how content is delivered in the traditional, hybrid or online class.


Best Practices for Increasing Student Retention through Blackboard (Adobe PDF File 112 Kb)

The way you use technology, like Blackboard, can help, but it is important to remember that reaching students really requires a personal touch. The most important way you can impact student retention is by making sure that students feel connected and know that you care about their success. Read more for some tips and strategies for using Blackboard to help you connect with your student.


Photo of brochures for Faculty