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Best Practices

In this section we recommend best practices for getting off to a good start teaching your online or blended course. If you are teaching a course that you did not design, we recommend taking time before the semester starts getting to know the course. Our section Become Familiar with the Course will give you guidance on checking things like assignment due dates, the grade center, etc.

You will also want to upload your syllabus right away. You may prefer to use your own syllabus format, but CLEAR has created an Online Course Syllabus you can use as a starting point. It includes required language as well as suggestions for information we recommend you incude on a syllabus for any online course.

To get your course off to a good start, we also offer suggestions for posting a Welcome Message to students and some ideas for First Week Activities. We hope these best practices serve you well and wish you a great semester! Remember to contact your CLEAR instructional consultant for more assistance with designing or teaching your online or blended learning course at UNT.