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Advice for International Personnel


The trials and tribulations of international instructors do not differ substantially from those of their American counterparts. Yet in one crucial area, that of student-teacher communication, they can experience difficulties.

The best possible practice is to communicate openly with students immediately concerning problems arising from language barriers. For example, it may help to request that students speak clearly and avoid excessive or incomprehensible slang, and ask them never to ignore things said by the instructor that they do not comprehend.

It may help to encourage students not to be shy about pointing out when they are having trouble understanding the instructor. This point is best conveyed to students in a humorous, light-hearted fashion to encourage them to request language clarification freely (“Oh, I realize that sometimes I’m difficult to understand!”).

No matter how hard an instructor tries, there will always be a small group of students who will attempt to blame the instructor’s language difficulties for their own problems in the class (“I didn’t understand you correctly. I thought you said NEXT week.”) The following points will help avoid this problem:

  • Provide your students with ample written instruction. All course requirements, the method used in computing the final grade, exam dates, and a thorough reading list should be presented in writing at the first possible opportunity.
  • During the first few weeks, hand out written study questions to familiarize students with the mode of questioning that will be used during the semester.
  • Be attentive to students’ facial expressions. Facial expressions are highly individual. If students seem to look confused, you could request that students talk together in small groups to review essential concepts. You could also use a formative assessment tool such as polling to determine the level of understanding among your students.
  • Use audiovisual material. Slides, photographs, movies, or music are often extremely effective ways to illustrate hard-to-explain points.
  • Make personal use of audiovisual techniques to improve communication skills. Many problems can be identified by carefully watching or listening to a recording of oneself.

Cultural Differences

Communication is not always a language problem—it has definite cultural dimensions. One common solution lies in the realm of intensive observation. Body language differs from culture to culture. American students expect their instructors to look them straight in the eye when addressing them. Facial expressions convey a sense of receptiveness, while a moderate use of hands and arms serves to emphasize crucial features of discourse. Touching, a common feature in many cultures, should be avoided.

Try observing a few undergraduate classes before taking on the burden of serving as an instructor of record. Doing so will familiarize you with the interaction between student and instructor. When possible, it is good to be a grader or TA for at least one semester prior to becoming an instructor of record, especially to become familiar with the level of instructor preparation expected from the average student.

The most fruitful way of overcoming the cultural barrier is for the instructor to show students that he or she cares. At the earliest possible opportunity, an instructor should get to know students’ names, where they come from, and the subjects that interest them. A few minutes of conversation before each class can make a world of difference.

Being flexible with office hours is especially helpful to students who cannot make the set times. Requiring a mandatory one-on-one meeting with each student can be beneficial, if the class is not large. It goes without saying that being willing to accommodate students should not compromise the instructor’s firm demands for punctual assignments, nor should it erode the instructor’s strict, but fair, grading standards. Cultural obstacles may be overcome by showing your enthusiasm and by being attentive to the actions and reactions of students.

University International Teaching Assistant/Teaching Fellow Program

The International TA/TF Program at the University of North Texas trains, evaluates, and assists current and prospective international teaching assistants or teaching fellows (ITAs).

The program consists of three phases:

  1. An initial English language competency screening
  1. A formal course designed to improve the international TA’s communication skills (if necessary)
  1. An extensive evaluation of the course participants that includes recommendations for future teaching responsibilities

The teaching workshop or pronunciation class is a free, non-credit course offered for a ten-week period during each long semester. It includes guidance in preparing a weekly lecture, peer and instructor feedback in a weekly workshop session, and recommended work in the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) laboratory. The outcomes of the course are as follows:

  • To improve language skills, such as pronunciation, intonation, and grammatical accuracy.
  • To improve non-verbal skills, such as eye contact, gestures and cross-cultural awareness.
  • To improve basic teaching skills, such as lecturing, answering questions, and using visual aids effectively.

All international TFs and TAs must be reviewed by the ITA program before any UNT department can hire them.

The final evaluation for TFs who will be instructor of record is based on a short (ten- to fifteen-minute) lecture. A panel evaluates this presentation, and recommendations are made in the following categories:

  • Certified - The ITA demonstrates teaching and language skills adequate for full teaching responsibility in the classroom.
  • Conditionally Certified - The ITA exhibits some problems in speaking skills, non- verbal skills, or basic teaching skills and should be given teaching responsibility only in a class or lab where a senior teacher is present. An ITA in this category should work closely with the departmental TA supervisor, observe experienced teachers’ classes, and/or take the communication skills course again. This ITA could, at the department’s discretion, assume tutorial, research, or grading responsibilities.
  • Not Certified- The ITA exhibits serious problems in communication and should be given no speaking responsibility in class or lab. An ITA in this category could, at the department’s discretion, assume research or grading responsibilities, take the communication skills course again, and/or enroll in an optional communication course at IELI. The final evaluation for teaching assistants is based on an oral interview with the ITA Program Coordinator and a departmental representative at the department’s request.