Tabletop Spotlight: Bohnanza Boardgame 234

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Every Tuesday, UNT Media Library highlights a title from their growing collection of tabletop games. This week, read about: Bohnanza, Boardgame 234 Number of Players: 2-7 For Ages: 12+ Duration of Play: 45 minutes   As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, our thoughts turn to turkey, potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Yams, glazed carrots, and pumpkin… Read more »

National Play Monopoly Day!

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  Love it or hate it, Monopoly is hands down one of the most iconic board games in existence. This elaborate, often long, game of taking ownership and buying as much as you can was very much a reflection of actual monopolizing in the society it was created in.       Monopoly is commonly… Read more »

Tabletop Spotlight: Hive Boardgame 233

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Every Tuesday, UNT Media Library highlights a title from their growing collection of tabletop games. This week, read about: Hive, Boardgame 233 Number of Players: 2 For Ages: 9+ Duration of Play: 20 minutes   Hive is an addictive strategy game in which two players compete to block in the other player’s queen bee. The… Read more »

Tabletop Spotlight: Tsuro Boardgame 313

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Every Tuesday, UNT Media Library highlights a title from their growing collection of tabletop games. This week, read about: Tsuro, Boardgame 313 Number of Players: 2-8 For Ages: 8+ Duration of Play: 20 minutes   Tsuro is a short game in which players collaboratively create a board and competitively strive to keep their pieces on… Read more »

Enter the Webb: The Actor in Fox Film Noir classics Laura, and The Dark Corner.

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You may recognize aspects of a Film Noir classic with or without knowing the formal definition of this genre. One source defines Film Noir as “a style of film-making developed in the 1940s, with a plot involving suspense, mystery, crime, and corruption, and a bleak, often shadowy, setting, or a film in this style. Film… Read more »