Music Themed Movies

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From a Sirgur Rós Tour Documentary to the Duran Duran “Duranies” Documentary we’ve got an abundance of music related films. Straight Outta Compton is our newest addition to music related films, and we’ve gone ahead and added a list of some of the the most popular and entertaining movies about music provided by us! Straight Outta… Read more »

Contribution Corner: Eons

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From the beginning of the universe, eons have passed. In that time, galaxies have formed, stars have flared up and died, planets and nebulae have been born and been destroyed. The history of the universe, one of creation and destruction, all culminates as entropy increases. The heat death of the universe. As cosmic architects, though,… Read more »

Today is Earth Day!!

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Today is the 46th annual Earth Day celebration! Every April 22nd, we celebrate the world we live in, along with creating awareness about the issues our Earth may be facing.   Renewability, Sustainability, and Reforestation are just a few of the themes that this day is meant to represent. And what better way to embrace Earth… Read more »

Pixels & Pieces: Marketing and Kickstarter with Jamey Stegmaier

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Our fifth and final for the year in a series of videos on board game design. Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games, creator of Viticulture and Scythe, and author of “A Crowdfunder’s Strategy Guide: Build a Better Business by Building Community”, discusses with us how to kickstart and market a game. Join us Thursday nights from… Read more »

Contribution Corner: Ren Faire

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Turkey legs, mock combat, and anachronistic clothing. These are the things renaissance fairs are made of. You and your friends, new to the scene, try to blend in by adorning yourself with hats and tunics. A good costume is expensive though, and earning coin in a place like this requires some skill… Or daring. In… Read more »

April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

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It’s a subject many people don’t feel comfortable talking about openly, but it’s an important one. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and in honor of that here is a list of both documentaries and feature films discussing the various impacts, attitudes, social prevention, harsh reality, and trauma that all revolve around sexual assault. It’s… Read more »