
Major Changer Information

Are you a current or returning University of North Texas student thinking about switching your major to the College of Business?

Before changing your major, you should review some qualities it takes to be a successful student in the College of Business.

If you do not possess these qualities, do not be discouraged. There are many opportunities to work in business. UNT has a number of parallel pathways, majors in other areas, which may help you reach your goals. Please discuss these options with your academic advisor.

If after reviewing these qualities you feel Business is right for you, or you have questions about being a Business major, you may attend one of our major changer sessions.

Please sign up for a Major Changer Session by contacting the advising office at 940-565-2110 or stopping by BLB 110.

Once you have registered for a session, please complete the College of Business Pre-Major Changer Exercise below. You MUST complete and bring this exercise with you to the session to be eligible to meet with an academic advisor.

The following topics are covered during the session:

  1. General information on the structure and requirements of the undergraduate degree options in the College of Business
  2. Courses to take as a Pre-Business student
  3. The process to officially declare a Business major
  4. Review of the Pre-Major Changer Session Exercise and answer additional questions

All attendees will have an opportunity to meet individually with an advisor to discuss his/her course schedule. Please plan for the entire process to last 1-1½ hours.

These sessions are for current or returning UNT students only.