
Management Courses

BUSI 1200 Careers and Professional Development Strategies for Business ( 1 hour )
Course Schedule

Introduces students to the process of business career exploration through integrating knowledge of self with knowledge of business career opportunities. Explores career opportunities within the disciplines of business (professional field choices) through a variety of sources. Introduces students to professional development activities and academic strategies/planning techniques that can work to enhance their business education and assist in timely completion of a business degree.

Prerequisites: None. Pass/no pass only.

BUSI 1340 Managing the Business Enterprise ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Study of managing the business enterprise with an emphasis on leadership with integrity. Overview of managing business organizations and what is needed to succeed in local, domestic, and global markets.

Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore standing. Cannot be used to meet business foundation, business professional field, or business supporting field requirements. Core Category: Discovery

BUSI 2900 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

See department advisor for details

Prerequisites: None.

BUSI 3400 Readings in Business ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Reading books influencing American business philosophy; reading for pleasure; study of current problems reported in business periodicals.

Prerequisites: None. Credit varies depending upon amount and types of reading.

BUSI 4660 International Business Operations ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Foreign operations of American firms and impact of foreign competition on the domestic market; organization for foreign production, marketing and finance; foreign markets, resources, institutions and managerial problems arising out of governmental relations.

Prerequisites: MKTG 3650, FINA 3770 and senior standing.

BUSI 4700 Topics in International Business Practices and Policies ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Topics include analysis of issues in accounting, marketing, management, finance, the legal environment, or information systems between international companies and U.S. companies. Students are introduced to the business practices and the role culture plays in transacting business internationally. Taught internationally, focusing on a specific country or region.

Prerequisites: ACCT 2010 and ACCT 2020; MGMT 3330 or MKTG 3010 or BCIS 3615. May be repeated for credit as topics vary, for up to 9 hours of credit.

BUSI 4900 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

See department advisor for details

Prerequisites: None.

BUSI 4940 Business Policy ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Enterprise management integrating the functional areas of business administration into a realistic approach to business problems; applying principles to complex problems at the executive level.

Prerequisites: Completion of all other business foundation courses with a grade of C or better and senior standing. To be taken during the last term/semester of course work. Core Category: Capstone

BUSI 4951 Honors College Capstone Thesis ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of

BUSI 5190 Administrative Strategy ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Capstone course providing the integration of functional areas of business administration. Requires students to determine policy at the general- or top-management level. Students address strategic organizational problems and the optimization of the total enterprise. Includes the use of lectures, case analysis and special topics.

Prerequisites: None. Must be taken in the student's last term/semester of course work. Restricted to College of Business majors.

BUSI 5200 Professional Ethics and Corporate Governance ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examination of professional ethics from both a philosophical and business perspective. Ethical reasoning, moral character and moral decision making provide a framework for examining the importance of ethics in an individual-s personal life and professional career. Exploration of the concept of corporate governance and the direction business entities are taking in establishing a sound governance framework. Designed to meet the ethics requirement of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy, as well as the ethics educational needs of the larger business community.

Prerequisites: ACCT 5130 or consent of instructor.

BUSI 5410 Creative Thinking and the Business Idea ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Introduces the professional MBA to students with the major themes developed for the program. The course discusses the essential of entrepreneurship, risk taking and market opportunity. Students are expected to develop a major, discussing the market opportunities for a business product or service.

Prerequisites: None. Corequisite(s): FINA 5170

BUSI 5420 Assessing the Business Opportunity ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Investigates what a business professional needs to conduct a thorough industry, market and competitor analysis and to determine the degree of match between the opportunity and the firm. Topics developed are mission and vision, understanding corporate strategy and structure, market segments and demand factors, etc.

Prerequisites: BUSI 5410. Corequisite(s): ACCT 5130

BUSI 5430 Designing, Creating and Managing the Delivery Systems ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Focuses on the essentials of designing, creating and managing the business firm-s delivery system. Topics include designing value into products and services, creating and managing distribution channels, quality management ideas, process planning and facility layout.

Prerequisites: BUSI 5420. Corequisite(s): BCIS 5120

BUSI 5440 Growing Business in Changing Environments ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Studies the essentials of managing the business firm within evolving environments. Concepts required for monitoring and control, along with tools for decision making. Sets the foundation for other topics such as organizational structures, redesign, threats and opportunities, and adjusting delivery and communications systems to dynamic environments.

Prerequisites: BUSI 5430. Corequisite(s): DSCI 5180

BUSI 5900 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.

BUSI 5920 Problems in Lieu of Thesis ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Prerequisite(s): None.
BUSI 5930 Problems in Lieu of Thesis ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Prerequisites: None.

BUSI 6100 Seminar in University Teaching for Business Administration ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Topics in teaching methodologies. Focus on those topics that provide doctoral students with practical teaching tips to help them become more effective teachers. Different learning styles are addressed and frameworks, theories and teaching models are presented that help doctoral students continually improve their teaching throughout their career.

Prerequisites: None.

BUSI 6220 Applied Regression Analysis ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Applications of multivariate regression analysis, canonical correlation analysis and nonparametric statistical procedures to issues in business research involving multivariate data. Topics include building, evaluating and validating a regression model; analyzing models using hierarchical regression, contrast coding, partial correlations and path analysis; and comparing parametric and corresponding nonparametric tests.

Prerequisites: DSCI 5180 or equivalent and BUSI 6450 (may be taken concurrently).

BUSI 6240 Applied Multivariate Statistics ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Applications of multivariate statistical procedures involving data reduction techniques and analyzing multidimensional relationships in business research. Topics include multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling and conjoint analysis.

Prerequisites: BUSI 6220.

BUSI 6280 Applications in Causal and Covariance Structure Modeling ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Application of CSM techniques to the analysis of behavioral data in business research. "Hands-on" practice using LISREL to examine measurement and structural models containing directly observed and latent variables. Provides a solid working knowledge of how to conceptualize measurement and structural models, the standard LISREL and SIMPLIS syntax for estimating these models, and proper interpretation of LISREL output. LISREL assumptions, limitations, tricks and traps are explored. Specific topics include reviews of causality and path analysis, covariance algebra, creating path diagrams and structural equations, LISREL notation and syntax, considerations in model identification, estimation, evaluation and interpretation. Specific application areas include confirmatory factor analysis and its extensions, causal models with directly observed and latent variables. Course also takes a critical look at the analysis of experimental data, modeling quadratic and interaction terms, analysis of ordinal and other non-normal variables.

Prerequisites: BUSI 6220, BUSI 6450. BUSI 6240 (may be taken concurrently). Students must have a thorough knowledge of multiple regression, factor analysis, ANOVA and ANCOVA. Students are also expected to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of research design, includ

BUSI 6450 Business Research Methods ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Designed to introduce doctoral students to the methods and measurements of business research, including scientific method, research design and measurement. Focus on topics that provide doctoral students with a better understanding of theoretical frameworks used in research. Form and structure of explanations, laws and theories used in research are examined and discussed.

Prerequisites: DSCI 5180 or equivalent.

BUSI 6480 Advanced Issues in Research Design ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Experimental and quasi-experimental approaches to solving problems using the scientific method. Observation, generalization, explanation and prediction using experimentation and statistical inference. Statistical principles in experimental design including ANOVA and MANOVA techniques. After completing the course, students are prepared for conducting experiments.

Prerequisites: BUSI 6450 or equivalent.

BUSI 6900 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.

MGMT 2996 Honors College Mentored Research Experience ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Research experience conducted by a freshman or sophomore honors student under the supervision of a faculty member.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Honors College; freshman or sophomore class status; consent of Honors College dean. May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

MGMT 3330 Communicating in Business ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Development of interpersonal business communication skills in the following areas: group communication, written communication (collaborative writing and business letters, memorandums and reports), oral communication (business presentations, meetings and interviews), and listening. The following topics are also addressed: international communication and electronic communication technology.

Prerequisites: None. Core Category: Discovery

MGMT 3720 Organizational Behavior ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Individual behavior in formal organizations. Cases, lectures and experiential exercises in organizational culture, motivation, leadership, dynamics of power, perception and attribution, communication, decision making and performance, and individual differences.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 3810 Family Business ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Course explores the unique managerial issues associated with family business, the dynamics and competitive positioning of family businesses, as well as their contribution to the economy. Emphasis on student application of material and on proposing solutions to problems in organization, management, and succession in family business contexts. Topics may include family and business relationships, management and strategy issues unique to family businesses, succession and wealth management, nonfamily management recruitment and compensation, and harnessing new visions and innovations in leadership transitions. Open to business and non-business majors.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 3820 Management Concepts ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Management philosophy; planning, organizing and controlling; entrepreneurial processes; organizational performance; structure and design. Includes an overview of organization theory and strategic management.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 3850 Entrepreneurship ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Initiation of new ventures and approaches to growth of existing firms through opportunity recognition, innovation and change. Emphasizes developing effective entrepreneurial skills and behaviors. Includes preparation of a comprehensive business plan.

Prerequisites: None. Open to non-business majors.

MGMT 3860 Human Resource Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Introduction to personnel management. Topics include employment, placement and personnel planning, training and development; compensation and benefits; health, safety and security; and employee and labor relations.

Prerequisites: None. Open to non-business majors.

MGMT 3870 Management Research Methods ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Develops skills in management research methods necessary for problem-solving success. Particular emphasis is given to applying theory to management decision making based on objective methods for solving problems in organizational behavior, human resource management, entrepreneurship and operations.

Prerequisites: DSCI 2710 or equivalent and completion of all pre-business courses.

MGMT 3880 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

A study of ethical behaviors crucial to personal and corporate success in organizations. Codes of ethics, theoretical models and managerial behavior serve as the foundation to investigate ethics and, in turn, social responsibility associated with firm theory. Various stakeholder interest and demands are analyzed as an important theme during the course.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 3915 Creativity and Opportunity Development ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Deals with frameworks, functions, and workings of creativity and opportunity development, and with their role in new startups and in managing firms for sustainable competitive advantage. Emphasis placed on enhancing students- competence in creative thinking, generating ideas, and identifying and developing business opportunities. Topics may include individual creativity, business opportunities, and management techniques for enhancing creativity and for recognizing and developing opportunities in new and established organizations.

Prerequisites: MGMT 3720.

MGMT 3996 Honors College Mentored Research Experience ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Research experience conducted by an honors student with at least junior standing under the supervision of a faculty member.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Honors College; at least junior class status; consent of Honors College dean. May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

MGMT 4170 Employee and Labor Relations ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Employee-employer relationships; problems and theories of the bargaining process.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4180 Workplace Health and Safety ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Problems of occupational safety and health (OSHA) workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, industrial security and environmental risk management.

Prerequisites: None. Open to non-business majors.

MGMT 4200 Strategic Processes ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Study of the context and concepts of strategic decision making. Topics include strategic leadership, corporate governance, international influences on strategic decisions, and strategic risk management.

Prerequisites: Senior standing.

MGMT 4210 E-Management: Managing in a Digital Economy ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Deals with the "why" and "how" of the changing face of management. Focuses on what managers do to maintain and enhance their firm's competitive position in the era of e-commerce. Examines and evaluates some of the more critical issues associated with analyzing the environment, designing organizations and managing people to deal with the challenges that emerge in the new business environment.

Prerequisites: MGMT 3820 or MGMT 3850.

MGMT 4220 Advanced Entrepreneurship ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Provides students with concepts and hands-on opportunities that are related to the development, growth, and management of new ventures. Focuses on application and integration of entrepreneurship principles to ensure success of entrepreneurial undertaking. Emphasis is placed on contextual influences during various stages of development and their implications, and on comprehensive analysis and evaluation of businesses from an entrepreneurial perspective. Topics may include such areas as technology and new ventures, growth and expansion, family business, or capital funding.

Prerequisites: MGMT 3330, MGMT 3720, MGMT 3850, MKTG 3650, FINA 3770 and DSCI 3710. MGMT 3330, MGMT 3720, MKTG 3650 may be taken concurrently.

MGMT 4235 Social Entrepreneurship ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Introduces entrepreneurial concepts that can be used to stimulate entrepreneurial behavior in individuals for the benefit of communities. Students study best practices of not-for-profit enterprises and social venturing practices and learn how these enterprises launch and sustain their ventures. Primary focus is on equipping students with knowledge and skills that are needed to develop viable socially relevant organizations or to grow entrepreneurial initiatives in not-for-profit organizations. Course may include projects.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4300 Recruitment, Selection and Placement ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Recruitment, selection and placement of employees in an organization. Test validation and other selection techniques relative to EEO, ADA and AAP laws. Recruiting, selecting and placing a culturally diverse work force.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4330 Administrative Communication ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Development of administrative communication skills including factors affecting the communication process and its effects on specific organizational/personnel situations. Topics include organizational communication, interviewing (selection, disciplinary, counseling, orientation and exit), policy manuals, communication audit tools, gender-related communication differences and electronic communication media.

Prerequisites: MGMT 3330 or equivalent experience and consent of department.

MGMT 4335 Technology and Innovation Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examines frameworks and concepts to understand technology and innovation management in businesses. Topics may include areas such as technology entrepreneurship, product and process innovation, innovation process theories, etc. Main focus is on equipping students with the skills and ability to manage, develop and expand technological innovation. May include projects and applied exercises.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4350 Training and Development ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Practical and theoretical approaches to the training and development of employees in an organization. Topics include organization, role and scope of the T and D function, philosophies; strategies and needs analysis; development of program content, methods, materials and techniques, and evaluation and control of the training and development function.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4400 Managing Interpersonal Relationships ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Practical and theoretical course dealing with small group behavior. Emphasis is on identifying and classifying behavior to better understand it and to develop strategies for effectively managing interpersonal and group relationships. Exercises and role playing are used to illustrate major points.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4460 Topics in Organizational Behavior ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Study of individual and group behavior in organizations. Representative topics include employee motivation, leadership, organizational power and politics, decision making and performance, organizational culture, perception and attribution, and individual differences. Students study one or more of these topics in depth.

Prerequisites: MGMT 3720 or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

MGMT 4470 Leadership ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

In-depth course on leadership. Students are provided practical tools and methods of leadership that apply to a variety of organizational structures. Students gain insights about their own personalities, skills, ethics, values and beliefs as they relate to leading others, and have the opportunity to discuss and debate a number of leadership topics.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4790 Human Resources Capstone Course ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Capstone course to prepare students to enter the human resources field as qualified professionals. Intensive review of the functional disciplines in the HR field are integral to the course. Students study and evaluate theories of human resources management; engage in practical applications of theory through participation with employers engaged in solving HR problems within their workplace or identifying HR needs; explore the pragmatic implications of the professional human resource certification process and what it means for HR professionals in the global economy during the 21st century; and demonstrate integrative knowledge of HR functions relative to each other and to other functional areas within an organization.

Prerequisites: None. To be taken within the final 9 hours of course work.

MGMT 4800 Internship ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Supervised work in a job related to student's career objective.

Prerequisites: Student must meet the employer's requirements and have consent of advisor.

MGMT 4840 Compensation and Benefits Administration ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Wage and salary administration in public and private organizations; determinants of general wage and salary levels and structures; total compensation systems; interrelationship among employee performance, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, perceived equitable payments, and employee satisfaction.

Prerequisites: None. Open to non-business majors.

MGMT 4860 Organizational Design and Change ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Organizational design is a primary management tool for organizing business processes and developing organizational capabilities. The course focuses on developing an understanding of the basics of organizational design, how to utilize organizational design principles to manage change, and how to keep the design aligned with the needs of the firm and the demands to which it must respond. The design and development effort includes study of organizational structures, the basic work patterns of the organization, organizational cultures, managerial roles, and the use of teams.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4890 Legal Aspects of Employment Practices ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Current legislation and its impact on human resources policy and practices.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 4900 Special Problems ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Supervised study on a selected management topic. Typically requires a research paper and significant independent study.

Prerequisites: Consent of department.

MGMT 4910 Special Problems ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Supervised study on a selected management topic. Typically requires a research paper and significant independent study.

Prerequisites: Consent of department.

MGMT 4951 Honors College Capstone Thesis ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of

MGMT 4980 Family Business ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Explores the unique dynamics and competitive positions of family businesses, as well as their contribution to the economy. Emphasis on student application of material to case and live situations involving analysis of family business and proposing solutions to problems in organization, management, and succession in family business contexts. Topics may include family and business relationships, management and strategy issues unique to family businesses, succession and wealth management, nonfamily management recruitment and compensation, and harnessing new visions and innovations in leadership transitions.

Prerequisites: None. Open to non-business majors.

MGMT 5120 Managing Organizational Design and Change ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examination of the development of organizational competencies and capabilities through the study of the theory and tools related to organizational design and change. Emphasis is placed on the use of horizontal and vertical linkage mechanisms that provide the organization with the flexibility to adapt to a rapidly changing competitive environment. Definition of management roles and the use of teams are emphasized in the change management process.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5140 Organizational Behavior and Analysis ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Research emphasis in organizational behavior stressing organization-people linkages and interrelationships, including selection, orientation and training; job design and reward systems; supervision; formal participation schemes; appraisals and development; organizational structure and design; communications; control; and conflict resolution. Examination of behavioral science methodologies and strategies. Applications to tangential areas of organization theory, development, planning and implications for management and employee relations.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5210 Human Resource Management Seminar ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Study of the creation and implementation of human resource policies in public and private organizations. Topics include employment, placement and personnel planning; compensation and benefits; employee and labor relations; training and development; health, safety and security. Designed for non-business graduate students and business graduate students with limited or no background in personnel management.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5230 Management Seminar ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Development of philosophy, strategy and tactics in managing an enterprise. Administrative processes common to all enterprises, including variations needed to meet different situational requirements. Methods of study include extensive reading, exploratory research and seminar discussion.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5260 Employment, Placement and Personnel Planning ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Review of the basic elements of employed performance, with analysis of the factors involved in employment, placement and personnel planning. This course blends theory and practice so the student may better understand the policies and procedures required for recruitment selection and personnel planning.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5300 Entrepreneurship and Venture Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Creation of new business enterprises and the expansion of current enterprises through the venture. Topics include assessment of entrepreneurial characteristics, the entrepreneurial team, generation and screening of venture ideas, market analysis and technical analysis.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5350 Seminar in Labor Relations ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Theory and practice related to the process of labor relations in organizations, including union organization, collective bargaining, contract negotiation and administration, grievance and alternative dispute resolution processes, and current issues related to labor relations.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5530 Operation and Management of Physician Practice Organizations ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Provides advanced study of the unique operational application of business/managerial theory, methodology and best practice to physician practice management including facilities design and management, financial analysis and management, systems analysis and evaluation, application and management of information technology, assessment of health needs and marketing, quality improvement, human resource management and the legal/ethical aspects of health care.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5550 Emerging Issues in Health Services Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Investigation, analysis and discussion of emerging concepts, challenges and controversies relevant to management in health services settings. Examines a wide range of topics including economic, social and organizational issues and their implications for management practice.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5660 International Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Designed to expose the student to the international aspects of management. Cultural differences in management applications, management of multinational corporations and integration of domestic business functions and international operations.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5700 Contemporary Issues in Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Investigation of topics emerging from the dynamic environment of contemporary organizations, such as managerial issues related to electronic commerce or international business.

Prerequisites: None. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

MGMT 5710 Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examines the strategic purposes of the firm as both an economic and social entity within the global marketplace. Topics include: ethics in business and ethical decision making, corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship, and stakeholder management, including shareholders, employees, customers, the community, government, and the environment.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5760 Strategic Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examination and evaluation of current theories, issues and programs involved in strategically managing organizations. Emphasis is on critical thinking, judgment and solving strategy problems within uncertain and complex decision environments.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5800 Internship ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Supervised, productive and educationally meaningful work experience in a job related to the student's career objective.

Prerequisites: Student must meet employer's requirements and have consent of department. May not be used to meet professional field requirements. Pass/no pass only.

MGMT 5870 Leadership Research and Development ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Theories and current research on leadership with emphasis placed on leadership development and specific applications within the organizational setting.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5890 Seminar in Compensation and Motivation Theory ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Interdisciplinary seminar designed to study the theories, practices and techniques involved in developing and implementing total compensation programs for public and private organizations. The relationship of motivation theory to compensation theory is emphasized in an effort to develop the optimum package for employee productivity and satisfaction and organizational costs. Topics included are compensation theory, conceptual framework for job satisfaction, job design, relationship of incentive compensation packages and international compensation.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 5900 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.

MGMT 6010 Seminar in Business Administration ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Covers one or more special fields.

Prerequisites: None. May be repeated for credit, and two or more sections may be taken concurrently.

MGMT 6030 Seminar in Strategic Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examination of the theoretical and empirical research on the question of why some firms out perform others. Includes the study of formulation and implementation issues from economic, organizational and other perspectives and prepares the student for participation in research within the field.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 6100 Seminar in Organizational Behavior ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

In-depth study of research in organizational behavior that familiarizes students with the classic and current literature in the discipline. Students will develop skills in theory-building and empirical research in the field.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 6820 Seminar in Organizational Theory ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examination of the major theoretical streams in the study of organizations and the process of organizing. Extensive reading and seminar discussion are used to understand and extend both historical perspectives and emerging views and assist students in becoming active researchers within the discipline.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 6860 Seminar in Human Resource Management ( 3 hours )
Course Schedule

Examination of the major research in the field of human resources management, including the critical evaluation of research in terms of both theory and methodology. The integration and application of contemporary management theory to the field of human resource management in order to develop skills in theory-building and the design and implementation of empirical research.

Prerequisites: None.

MGMT 6900 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs, accompanied by conferences with professors in fields involved.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.

MGMT 6910 Special Problems ( 1-3 hours )
Course Schedule

Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs, accompanied by conferences with professors in fields involved.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.

MGMT 6940 Individual Research ( 1-12 hours )
Course Schedule

Individual research for the doctoral candidate.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.

MGMT 6950 Doctoral Dissertation ( 3, 6 or 9 hours )
Course Schedule

To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate dean.

Prerequisites: Approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the CoB Graduate Programs Office prior to registration. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing