Standing Up for Texas Doctors

Zika mosquito
Screen and Talk to Patients About ZikaTMA and the Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have prepared guidance for you on the Zika virus and pregnant patients. Serious birth defects including congenital microcephaly have been reported in babies of mothers who were infected with Zika virus while pregnant. Until more is known, the CDC recommends special precautions for pregnant women and women who are trying to become pregnant.
TMA Says Future Medicare Requirements Are Wasteful, CostlyTMA  is "very concerned that many of the compliance, documentation, and reporting requirements that will be implemented in the future Medicare system are wasteful, costly, and do little or nothing to improve care quality or increase efficiency," TMA President Tom Garcia, MD, told CMS.
TMA Tells the Feds to Reduce CQM Reporting BurdenIn a letter to CMS, TMA says the agency should sunset the clinical quality reporting requirement because it is inferior to and duplicates Physician Quality Reporting System requirements. CMS also should validate that the reporting actually improves patient care and outcomes before requiring such arduous, frustrating, and senseless programs.
Compliance tab
TMA: Marriage, Family Therapists Can't Diagnose

In a brief filed with the Texas Supreme Court, TMA argues the plain meaning of the Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Act doesn't include diagnosis. "The common, ordinary meaning of the words used in the statute and the accepted definition of diagnosis do not provide authority for marriage and family therapists to diagnose mental disorders or for MFT board to adopt a rule authorizing them to do so," TMA's brief states.

TMA Helps You Get Paid

Hassle Factor Log
Get Help with Reimbursement TMA’s Hassle Factor Log helps resolve your insurance-related problems. TMA meets regularly with Medicare, Medicaid, health care payment plans, and large insurers to discuss problems you bring to our attention. This service recovered more than $1.3 million for members in 2015.
Billing and Coding Hotline
Billing and Coding AssistanceMembers can get billing and coding help by contacting TMA’s certified coders at or call (800) 880-1300 ext. 1414 for assistance.
Take Advantage of Group DiscountsTMA endorsed vendors like I.C. System and TransFirst offer discounts on products and services designed to save your practice money.
Get Paid
Get Smart and Get PaidTMA offers a wealth of practice e-tips, whitepapers, CME, and FAQ’s on getting paid fairly.

The Information Texas Doctors Need

  • Hydrocodone Switch

    We answer your top questions about the DEA move to reclassify drugs that contain hydrocodone combinations from Schedule III to Schedule II. READ MORE
  • Deadlines for Doctors

    Between caring for patients, insurance company demands, government regulations, and the latest medical technology, there are never enough hours in a day. TMA's Deadlines for Doctors gives you and your staff a big-picture view of upcoming state and federal compliance timelines. READ MORE
  • Spotlight

    Be Prepared for Cyber Attacks 
    TMA has been alerted that a South Texas physician member is the victim of a cyber attack in which a thief hacked into the physician's computer and is demanding money in exchange for the key to access the encrypted information. "TMA would like to again warn our members of cyber hackers and the possibility of ransom requests for the return of your patients' billing information and medical records," said TMA President Tom Garcia, MD. "Please consider reviewing your liability coverage to include this risk, because it is a risk." READ MORE

Education & Events

  • TexMed 2016

    April 29-30, Dallas - Get Involved!
    Not only is TexMed an opportunity to earn free CME credits, you also can be part of shaping the future of your TMA. Learn about everything that happens at TexMed, and make plans to join us.

  • House of Delegates

    TMA House of Delegates
    TexMed 2016 • April 29-30 • Dallas

    The House of Delegates is the legislative and policymaking body of the association and is made up of about 500 voting members. TMA needs your voice and your experience to help develop relevant, meaningful policy that benefits Texas physicians and patients.

  • E&M Coding Made Easy

    New Training, April 19 • Austin, TX
    This medical auditing E&M training program will provide you everything you need to be an E&M auditing pro! Designed as a one day course, our NAMAS instructor will dig deep into all areas of E&M auditing, breaking down each section individually and even giving you a chance to apply what you’ve learned to case studies.


    Live Webcast, April 19 • 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
    E&M services are the target of many audits by all payers — governmental and commercial alike — because they represent the overwhelming volume of services billed. Register for this webcast and learn how to get paid what you are due without question, and to lower your risk of payment recoupment and audits.