Our Values and Promises

Our Values

Customer Focused

We serve customer needs to the best of our abilities.  We recognize our customers are the reason for our existence.

People Centric

We recognize that people make work happen.  We acknowledge staff value by training our employees and recognizing their work attitude,  approach and work products in meaningful ways.

Mutual Respect

We work as a team within our organization, across  organizations and with our customers. We respect people and their viewpoints. We strive to be collaborative with everyone.


We firmly believe in being a trustworthy partner for everyone who uses our services; this is a hallmark of our culture. We do not say it unless we mean it. We do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it.


We are transparent with everything and everyone. We have no hidden agendas. We share information freely with everyone.


We strive for excellence in everything we do for ourselves and our customers.   We believe that nothing short of doing an excellent job is worth doing.


We measure everything meaningful and publish that information for all to see. 

Continuous Improvement

We expect everyone to be involved in continuously improving our products, service quality and delivery costs.

Our Leadership Promises

  • To be collaborative earning partnerships with customers by proving our value
  • To continuously be reliable do what we say and say what we do
  • To consistently focus on improvement
  • To be responsive, available, actively listening
  • To communicate about how decisions are made
  • To willingly provide our staff with what they need to do their jobs  within budget
  • To be creative and innovative
  • To tell everyone the truth good or bad
  • To take responsibility
  • To value and respect our employees
  • To live our values