Consulting a Research Expert

The R&SS team offers support for all your research needs using the means we have available. Although our group currently comprises personnel with a social science background, techniques are not specific to a single discipline. We support faculty, staff and students from many domains of research – from simple requests regarding descriptive measures to structural equation models and Bayesian methods. 

NOTE: Time and resources do not permit staff members to teach the basics of statistical analysis; having introductory statistics knowledge is strongly recommended before embarking on any research project or booking a consulation with the R&SS staff. To get a sense of our perspective on the field of statistics, what it is, what it is not, follow this link.

Read FAQs, then Contact Us
While answers to most questions can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions, if a question you have is not answered there or anywhere else on the site, please contact us. If after reading the FAQs and reviewing our web pages, you are ready for a consultation, to request specific software, or ask a specific question, click the specific link below that best fits your need.

IMPORTANT! Attention, Mac users: please use Chrome or FireFox as your browser for ease of use in submitting a request for a consultation; Safari is not recommended.

✓  I have basic/introductory statistics knowledge.

✓  I have read the FAQs.

✓  I am a UNT full-time faculty member or currently enrolled student.

NOTE: Responses may take up to two business days.

Please click on the link below that best fits your need.

Please participate in the R&SS Client Feedback Survey.