To bring faculty that are either currently or soon to be teaching distance learning courses together to learn, share, and exchange ideas, the office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology launched a new initiative on the Fall 2015 semester: the eLearning Faculty Learning Communities (eFLC). To facilitate this initiative, DLIT will coordinate regular meetings (in person or virtually) and logistics, and will provide online tools so that faculty/members can share resources and best practices.

These communities are comprised of an interdisciplinary group of faculty devoted to enhancing teaching, learning, and the university experience who engage in active, collaborative exploration around a common learning issue. Each eFLC will grow at its own pace and embrace a unique topic.

We are very excited to provide such rich opportunities for community building, interdisciplinary collaboration, and explorations of online teaching and learning! If you would like to join any of these eFLC's join us during the first face-to-face meeting of the Spring 2016 semester:


Teaching with Technology

Explore a range of software and web‐based tools to enhance teaching and learning. No matter if you are teaching a fully online, a hybrid, or on‐ground sessions join Brian, our Digital Media Instructional Designer, to and learn how you can incorporate educational technologies as a means to enliven the classroom and promote active learning experiences.

Feb 3 (3:00 – 4:00 PM), Founders Hall Rm. 127


Hybrid/Online Teaching

Whether you are a veteran or have just had that scary conversation with your Dean, join us as we discuss the wonders, joys and pitfalls of online and hybrid teaching. Cynthia, our Instructional Design Coordinator, will guide this group of faculty as they grow and learn from the blessings and curses of teaching in an online environment.

Feb 10 (3:00 – 4:00 PM), Founders Hall Rm. 127



Is this your first year teaching a Distance Learning course at UNT Dallas? Orientation was great but this is “the rest of the story”‐ addressing questions and concerns. Join Arturo, Director of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology, to discuss and learn more about teaching an eLearning course.
Feb 16 (2:00 – 3:00 PM), Founders Hall Rm. 127


The eFLCs will meet regularly, either in person or virtually, but input from eFLC members will help determine the frequency and format for meetings, the duration, and the goals and outcomes—including any projects to be carried out—for each eFLC.