Transformative Instruction Initiative

As of Fall 2016, the TII and NextGen program has been officially retired, though the model, methods, and lessons learned from the course design programs still live on in the CLEAR Course Design Institute

The Transformative Instruction Initiative (TII) grant was a partial course redesign program similar to the NextGen Course Redesign Grant Program. TII provided support for faculty to enrich their courses through innovative course design. Unlike NextGen which required a two-year commitment and complete course redesign, TII was a way for faculty to get their feet wet designing or redesigning a portion of a course without the long-term commitment of NextGen. This opportunity provided faculty the tools to redesign other portions of the same course as well as other courses they teach. 

TII followed the NextGen model of learner-centered courses based on clearly defined student learning outcomes and valid assessments. Support for the redesign was provided by TII and NextGen colleagues, CLEAR staff, and university partners. Faculty stipends were sustained through funds provided by the Office of the Provost and CLEAR. Several members of TII developed research plans based on their transformed lessons, including TII fellow Judi Bradetich

TII Faculty Fellows accomplished partial course redesigns for 85 courses from 32 departments. Click here for a complete list of TII courses.

All course design and NextGen inquiries can be directed to Jenna Ledford at or call (940) 369-7243.