Retirement, Resignation, Separation

Faculty and staff who resign, retire, transfer to another State of Texas agency or higher education location, or leave employment for any reason must complete the retirement and/or separation process.

An exit interview or meeting is not required, but all departing employees must complete the clearance/exit form and submit it to their department manager (UNT, UNT Dallas, UNT System Administration and UNT Dallas College of Law) or campus police department (UNTHSC). 

Off-Boarding, Clearance, Lump sum/HRM-9

An exit interview or meeting is not required for ending employment at any UNT System component.

A form must be submitted, however. All departing employees must complete the clearance/exit form and submit it to their department manager (UNT, UNT Dallas and College of Law, UNT System Administration) or campus police department (UNTHSC.)

Here are steps to take to ensure a smooth departure:

  • Print the exit form, obtain signatures, and return it to your department supervisor, or at UNTHSC, to the Police Department.

  • Update your address by logging in at MyUNT, MyHSC, MyDallas, MySystem or MyLaw. Be sure your records show a correct preferred address, phone and email, so future correspondence will not be delayed.

  • The final paycheck will be direct deposited. Check with your departmental payroll representative to verify.

Employees who have more than six months of state service and are not transferring to another state agency will be paid for vacation time. If you leave employment mid-month, any unused vacation time is generally applied until the end of the month. Any remaining vacation time will then be paid in a lump sum.

If you transfer to another state agency, which includes another UNT System component, your vacation and sick leave balances will transfer only if there is no interruption in service.

There is no payment for unused sick leave. You may donate your unused sick leave to the Sick Leave Pool to assist colleagues who are experiencing catastrophic illnesses or circumstances.

Non-exempt employees will be paid for any remaining compensatory time.

SB20 Notification to Exiting Employees

In the 2015 legislative session, the Texas Legislature passed SB20, which revises the Texas Government Code and Education Code related to state agency procurement and contracting. SB20 prohibits former state employees involved in procurement or contract negotiation from accepting employment from the companies they negotiated with on behalf of the former state agency.

The prohibition lasts two years from the end date of the employee’s state agency employment. Here is the Government Code provision in full:

Texas Government Code Sec. 572.069. CERTAIN EMPLOYMENT FOR FORMER STATE OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE RESTRICTED. A former state officer or employee of a state agency who during the period of state service or employment participated on behalf of a state agency in a procurement or contract negotiation involving a person may not accept employment from that person before the second anniversary of the date the officer's or employee's service or employment with the state agency ceased.

TRS (Teacher Retirement System) Plan Participants

If you are retiring from a UNT System component as a TRS member, the retirement process should begin about six (6) months prior to your planned departure date.   If retirement is a few or many years in the future, contact TRS for planning assistance.

ORP (Optional Retirement Plan/403b) Participants

Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) participants should contact their plan vendor about 60 days prior to the expected departure or retirement date. Further discussions about ORP/403b plan contribution options are your responsibility. 

ERS-Administered Insurance

Regular staff members will remain on insurance programs through the end of the month in which they are separated from service. For example, if your last day at work is Oct. 10, your insurance will continue through Oct. 31.

Regular faculty, adjunct instructors and benefits-eligible graduate students who complete the spring semester will remain on insurance programs through Aug. 31, the end of the fiscal year.

If you are transferring to another Texas public university or state agency with no break in service, your insurance may be continued. Contact the benefits coordinator at your new agency for guidance. If you leave Texas public employment, ERS-administered health and dental coverage ends.

Retirees should discuss retiree insurance benefits with a Human Resources Benefits Representative or contact ERS.

Continuing ERS-Administered Insurance with COBRA

Employees and dependents who separate from state employment may choose to keep ERS-administered health and dental coverage for up to 18 months after employment-related coverage ends. This coverage is referred to as COBRA, an acronym for a federal law. If you choose COBRA, you will pay the full cost of your premium(s).

Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is a federal law that mandates health insurance options for all citizens. Separated employees may be eligible for plans offered by the act; find a guide to the Health Insurance Marketplace. Enrollment is held each year. 

Unemployment Compensation

Regular faculty and staff members are covered by the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act and may be eligible for weekly benefits payments during a period of unemployment. The Texas Workforce Commission determines if a former employee is eligible. The cost is paid by the employer and no deductions are made from employee pay for this purpose. Contact the Texas Workforce Commission.

Death of an Employee or Retiree

We are saddened by the loss of an active employee or a retiree, and want to ensure that records are managed with care and sensitivity. Here's what to do when a colleague or a retiree dies:

  • Notify UNT System Human Resources Records.

  • Notify the Payroll Office, 940-369-5500.

  • Notify the employee's supervisor. Co-workers may be granted administrative leave by supervisors to attend funeral services.

  • Contact survivors to discuss disposition of personal property in the workplace. Pack and store personal items in a secure place.

  • Advise survivors that system or university property (equipment, keys, uniforms) should be returned. 

Family and co-workers may also want to notify the marketing and communications departments at UNT, UNTHSC, UNT Dallas, UNT Dallas College of Law and UNT System Administration so that an obituary may be published (with permission) in university publications.

At UNT, the Division of Student Affairs hosts the Flight Memorial Ceremony each spring to honor faculty, staff, students and alumni who have passed away during the previous year.