Audio, Video & Photography

CLEAR’s A/V production unit has the ability to record audio voice overs, shoot video and photography (both in studio and, in many cases, on location), create motion graphics, and edit video.

Our A/V services are reserved for instructional media to be used in UNT for-credit courses or for CLEAR sponsored projects and events. We do not record student presentations or full classroom lectures. Faculty can, however, check out equipment to record student presentations, and CLEAR provides support for lecture capture via Panopto.

To request CLEAR production services, please submit our Audio, Video & Photography Production Request Form.

Case Study: How To Make Blueberry Muffins Video

Course: HMGT1470 Intro to Professional Food Preparation
Professor: Jodi Duryea
Instructional Consultant: Lauri Morrow
Classification: Video Shoot & Post-Production

1 Instructor Jodi Duryea was impressed by a series of instructional cooking videos that CLEAR produced a few years ago and decided to contact us about producing several more as student resource aids for her class. She contacted the IC assigned to her department, Lauri Morrow, to set up a meeting to discuss.
2 Since this project involved video production, the initial consultation was bypassed and a production meeting was set up with Vishal Malhotra from CLEAR. At the meeting, Jodi suggested a list of videos she wanted to produce. Since this was going to be a series of projects produced over a longer time frame, the two of them broke the task into groups of 4 videos at a time and agreed on a basic production turnaround time of 2 weeks between shoots. Vishal requested all the recipes used for the cooking videos from Jodi in advance for use in the motion titles for video post-production.
Recipe provided by instructor
3 On the day scheduled for the shoot, Vishal and his video crew arrive at the UNT kitchens to set up, and the shoot proceeds as planned. Jodi is well prepared with her own script, and the shoot proceeds smoothly with four videos shot over the course of 4 hours.
At the shoot
4 Two weeks after the shoot, CLEAR production services have finished editing the video and adding motion graphics and titles. They present the edited videos to the instructor for review. In this case, three out of four videos were good, but the instructor discovered an error in the script of one. This video must be re-shot during the next video shoot which extends the project time-line.
Muffins on set
5 After the videos are approved, the Instructional Consultant Lauri Morrow uploads them to one of UNT's YouTube channels for distribution. She also adds links to the videos from Jodi's HMGT 1470 Blackboard course.

The finished video