
12/07/2016 - 2:44pm

DENTON, Texas (UNT) – A University of North Texas conservation program has gotten a major financial boost. The Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve near Puerto Williams, Chile is part of the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, a consortium led by UNT in the US, and other Chilean universities and institutions. The Chilean government awarded the program $15 million dollars for the construction of a new Sub-Antarctic Cape Horn Center.

11/29/2016 - 9:53am

University of North Texas Materials Science and Engineering associate professor Jincheng Du is part of a new energy frontier research center, or EFRC, funded by Department of Energy that will work to make nuclear waste disposal safer for a longer period of time. 

11/28/2016 - 2:08pm

Many people know that tannins in plants have health benefits and impact the taste of fruits and drinks like tea and wine. While tannins themselves are well known, no one has ever known how plants actually put them together- until now.

10/24/2016 - 11:59am

Two students studying math at the University of North Texas have won the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship, an annual scholarship awarded to students who are intent on pursuing a career in the actuarial profession.

10/12/2016 - 12:16pm

Kent Chapman, Regents Professor of biological sciences at the University of North Texas, has been awarded a $650,000 grant by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science to study the cellular storage of lipids in plants.

10/10/2016 - 10:27am

Combining inspiration with state-of-the-art technology, co-working spaces and mentoring from industry leaders, the University of North Texas' Collab Lab will provide students experiences to help make them competitive in today's workforce. A kick-off event for the UNT Collab Lab is Nov. 10.

10/04/2016 - 12:43pm

As robots become increasingly common in everyday life, so will interactions between humans and robots. To address that future, the xREZ Art + Science Lab at the University of North Texas will host “Bonding with Bots: The Future of Human-Robot Interaction,” the inaugural event of North Texas Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous.

09/30/2016 - 2:25pm

A name change is taking place within the University of North Texas' College of Information. As of Oct. 1, the Department of Library and Information Sciences will be known as the Department of Information Science.

09/19/2016 - 3:55pm

A team of researchers working in two countries and several universities, including the University of North Texas, has made a major discovery that could help fight some deadly forms of cancer.

09/07/2016 - 11:51am

Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances of being successfully treated, according to the World Health Organization. Now research teams at the University of North Texas and the Polish Academy of Sciences are working in collaboration to create a chemical sensor device that could detect cancer at an early stage.