Bomb Threat

Immediate Actions

If bomb threat is received by phone

  • Take the caller seriously and remain calm
  • Try to keep caller on the phone by asking questions using the Bomb Threat Checklist
  • Listen carefully: don’t interrupt the caller or hang up
  • If possible, write a note to a coworker asking him/her to “call 911 to report a bomb threat”
  • Call 911 immediately once the call has ended to report the details
  • UNTPD will determine if evacuation is necessary

If bomb threat is received by mail

  • Stop additional handling of the letter or parcel
  • Call 911 immediately
  • UNTPD will determine if evacuation is necessary
  • Secure room/area if possible, allowing entry to emergency responders only
  • Advise campus personnel not to use 2-way radios in the area

If bomb threat is received by email

  • Call 911 immediately
  • Print a copy for UNTPD
  • Do not delete the message
  • UNTPD will determine if evacuation is necessary

Additional Information / Follow-Up Activities

  • If instructed to do so, initiate building evacuation by activating any fire alarm box (pull alarm)
  • Evacuate building. Once outside, follow the directions of first responders.
  • Provide the completed Bomb Threat Checklist to UNTPD at the scene
  • Notify your supervisor or department head of bomb threat if they were not in the area when it occurred
  • Wait for emergency response personnel to authorize that it is safe to reenter affected area