Vision, Mission, and Goals

CLEAR Vision

Our vision is to ensure all UNT faculty have the support needed to achieve their fullest teaching potential.

CLEAR Mission

The Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign (CLEAR) supports the University's goals of providing the best undergraduate educational experience in Texas and providing a superior graduate education by working closely with faculty to maximize their teaching effectiveness regardless of mode of instructional delivery. We assist faculty in the design and delivery of courses as well as with the measurement of learning at the class, department, and college level. We serve as the liaison for various administrative and technical support functions, thereby saving faculty's time, talent, and creative energies for their students. We provide leadership in the development of policies and the exploration of innovative tools and techniques that promote teaching excellence.

CLEAR supports the UNT teaching community through workshops, seminars, conferences, individual consultations, production services, and the resources available on the CLEAR website with emphasis on aligning theory and practice for the roles required of university instructors in lecture halls, seminar rooms, virtual classrooms, and labs across all disciplines.

CLEAR Goals for Supporting Academic Departments in Strengthening Course and Program Quality

  1. Increase the reach of CLEAR services to the maximum number of instructional personnel with available resources
  2. Support and promote the use of open and shared educational resources (created both at UNT and elsewhere)
  3. Support and promote high-quality, innovative instruction
    1. Initiate and sustain programs for faculty recognition
    2. Facilitate sponsored projects
    3. Provide support for implementation of innovative teaching technology
    4. Help promote best practices for academic integrity
    5. Implement a quality review process for online courses that serves as a foundation for continuous improvement
  4. Support and promote innovative assessment of student learning
  5. Lead the strategic direction for the University’s learning management system
  6. Partner with other units engaged in supporting student learning on topics of mutual interest and of larger benefit to the university community (e.g., Early Warning Systems, Testing Center, Assessment, Academic Integrity)
  7. Influence policy development in support of UNT and CLEAR goals
  8. Participate in the University’s strategic plan to grow enrollment (e.g., accelerated online program model, larger courses, blended and online formats)
  9. Support academic/administrative activities via videoconference and other technologies as they emerge
  10. Support and promote sustainable practices both within CLEAR and across the University