NextGen Complete Course List

As of Fall 2016, the NextGen program has been officially retired, though the model, methods, and lessons learned from NextGen still live on in the CLEAR Course Design Institute

This is a complete list of the course and instructors who participated in the NextGen project. Note that prior to officially being called NextGen, the program was known as the Blended Learning Project from 2003 to 2005.




Participating Faculty

Blended Learning I

HIST 2610

US History I

Kelly McMichael

MUMH 2040

Music Appreciation

Cynthia Beard, Deanna Bush

Blended Learning II

BIOL 1710

Principles of Biology I

Lee Hughes

DFST 1013

Human Development

Becky Glover

MUAG 1500

Occupational Health: Lessons from Music

Kris Chesky

NextGen I

ART 2360

Art History Survey II

Denise Baxter, Kelly Donahue-Wallace

ENGL 2210

World Literature I

Tracey Gau

LTEC 1100

Computer Applications

Scott Warren

MGMT 3330

Communicating In Business

Robert Insley

NextGen II

COMM 1010

Introduction to Communication

Karen Anderson, Cindy Gordon

ECON 1110

Principles of Macroeconomics

Stephen Cobb, Susan Dadres

HIST 2620

US History II

Liz Turner, Courtney Welch

MATH 1010

Fundamentals of Algebra

Neal Brand, Mary Ann Teel

MATH 1100

College Algebra

Neal Brand, Mary Ann Teel

NextGen III

AEAH 4812

Modernism and the Visual Arts

Jennifer Way

CHEM 2370

Organic Chemistry I

Sushama Dandekar

ENGL 2220

World Literature II

Tracey Gau, Robin Coffelt

MATH 1980

Survey of Mathematics with Applications

Charles Kurtz

PSCI 1040

American Government I

Kimi King, Eddie Meaders

SOCI 3560

Sociology of Disasters

Nicole Dash

NextGen IV

BIOL 1720

Principles of Biology II

David Tam

KINE 3500

Motor Development

Noreen Goggin, Tao Zhang

MATH 1580

Survey of Mathematics with Applications

Marc Grether

MKTG 2650

Cultures and Consumption

Lou Pelton

PSCI 1050

American Government II

Kimi King, Eddie Meaders

SOCI 1510

Individuals in Society

Nicole Dash, Brenda McCoy, Helen Potts

NextGen V

CHEM 2380

Organic Chemistry II

Sushama Dandekar with Ryan Kieser

DSCI 3710

Business Statistical Analysis Using Spreadsheets

Shailesh Kulkarni, Victor Prybutok

EDEC 3613

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

George Morrison with Amanda Bower

ENGL 1310

College Writing I

Shari Childers

JOUR 1210

Mass Communication and Society

James Mueller

MUTH 1400

Music Theory I

Laila Kteily-O’Sullivan

PACS 3020

Fundamentals of Inquiry and Discovery

Brenda McCoy

PSCI 1050

American Government II

Wendy Watson

UCRS 1000

Freshmen Seminar

Paula Iaeger, Laura Pasquini

NextGen VI

BCIS 3615

Visual Display of Business Information

Daniel Peak

BEHV 2300

Principles of Behavior Analysis I and II

Traci Cihon

BEHV 2700

BUSI 4940

Business Policy

Derrick D’Souza, Grant Miles

COMM 1010

Introduction to Communication

Cynthia Gordon

DSCI 2710

Data Description and Analysis with Spreadsheets

Shailesh Kulkarni, Alan Kvanli, Robert Pavur

HIST 2610

US History I

Courtney Welch

PACS 3000

Community and Public Service

Brenda McCoy, April Fehler

SPHS 3080

Nature of Communication Disorders

Becky Yates

NextGen VII

ANTH 1100

World Cultures

Bev Davenport

BEHV 2700

Principles II

Traci Cihon

BEHV 4400

Org  Behavior Mgmt

Manish Vaidya

BIOL 1720

Principles of Bio II

Mark Demarest, Lee Hughes

CHEM 2370/2380

Organic Chem I/II

Rob Petros

CJUS 2600

Diversity Issues

Adam Trahan

COMM 2140

Rhetoric and Argument

Brian Lain

EDRE 4890

Inquiry into Classroom Practice

Carol Wickstrom with Garry Mayes

HLTH 3300

Health Emergencies/1st Aid

Kim Baker, Laura Walker

MKTG 4280

Global Marketing

Lou Pelton, Jhinuk Chowdhury

PACS 4610

Topics in Comm Service

April Fehler, Brenda McCoy

RECR 4150

Profession Dev/Capstone

Jean Keller

SOWK 1450

Intro to Social Work

Lynn Jackson

SOWK 4540

Human Diversity

Cecilia Thomas

NextGen VIII

ANTH 1150

World Cultures Through Film

Andy Nelson

EDSE 4060

Content Area Reading in Secondary Schools

Alexandra Leavell

KINE 4050

Quantitative Analysis in Kinesiology

Jim Morrow

EDEE 4350

Mathematics Methods for Elementary Teachers

Jeanne Tunks, Teresa Gipson, Cathey Brooks, Vicki Frost, Julie Williams

MATH 1350/ 1351

Mathematics for Elementary Education Majors I & II

Krista Hines, Derek Patton

MDSE 2750

Consumers in a Global Market

Kiseol Yang

MUET 3030

Music Cultures of the World

Catherine Ragland

PACS 4050

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Leslie Roberts

PSYC 1650

General Psychology II

Chuck Guarnaccia

RECR 1950

Foundations of Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services

Laura Walker

RECR 4180

Planning, Designing and  Maintaining Recreation, Park, Leisure and Sport Facilities and Areas

John Collins

RHAB 3900

Case Management in Rehabilitation

Denise Catalano

RHAB 4175

Addiction Treatment Models

Paula Heller-Garland

SPAN 3090

Advanced Spanish Grammar I

Aymara Boggiano

NextGen IX

ANTH 3101

American Culture & Society

Alicia Re Cruz

CHEM 1430/40

Laboratory Sequence for Gen. Chem.

Amy Petros

COMM 2060

Performance of Literature

Holley Vaughn

CSCE 3600

Principles of System Programming

Phil Sweany

HMGT 4250

Restaurant Operations II

Joe O'Donnell

MATH 1680/81

Elementary Probability & Statistics

Lucia Xiaoxing

RTVF 2210

Intro. to RTVF

Carol Cornsilk

NextGen X

ANTH 3700

People & Cultures of Southeast Asia

Pankaj Jain

BCIS 3610

Basic Information Systems

Melody White

INFO 5000

Information & Knowledge Professions

Xin Wang

MGMT 3860

Human Resource Management

Donna Ledgerwood

RHAB 3100

Disability & Society

Brandi Darensbourg

RTVF 3210

Audio Production

Brenda Jaskulske