Thank a Teacher

UNT students have a way to say “Thanks” through the “Thank a Teacher” Program here at UNT.  They now can go to to share their “thanks” with their teachers.  They may complete as many of these online forms as they wish and choose to remain anonymous.  After final grades have been submitted, their notes are sent to their teachers as part of a letter of recognition from the Provost!

Outstanding teachers at UNT do make a difference for students.  They make learning challenging and fun; they are available when needed; and they weather many storms with students to foster bright futures.  When teachers have made this kind of a difference, many students wish for a way to say “Thanks”.  In reading the notes from students we can see trends.  Students tend to say that their teacher has 1) made the course interesting, 2) made learning fun, 3) provided valuable help in future career choices, 4) was supportive during a difficult time, or 5) was inspirational.

Collaboration across administration, academic departments, student groups, and faculty support services provide the buy in and support necessary to engage a ground swell in the Thank a Teacher campaign.  Support from the Provost’s office, through the Associate Provost for Faculty Success, links the program in a way that provides exemplary recognition for faculty receiving these notes from their students.  UNT has developed an atmosphere of gratitude and passion for teaching that is necessary to promote student success.