The Course Information Database

The Course Information Database populates UNTeCampus, Texas Distance Education, SREB´s Electronic Campus, Sloan Consortium, and other databases to provide accurate, up-to-date information to UNT students and to market your course to others.

We have designed this database so that course information can be completed in as little as 15 minutes. We suggest that you have an electronic copy of your syllabus open and minimized on your desktop for each course you plan to offer via distance education. Because many of the database fields will echo your syllabus, feel free to copy and paste when needed. After the information has been entered once, it can simply be updated each semester using the "copy information from existing section" function.

To begin, simply enter your EUID and UNT Internet Services Account password. Thank you for your participation in this important resource for students. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Amber Bryant ( 940.369.8096.

Enter Faculty Login for Course Information Database (CID) here.

Enter Superuser Login for Course Information Database (CID) here.