Clickers and TurningPoint

On April 28, 2016, a faculty committee recommended REEF Polling as the centrally supported student response option (click here for complete information on the process). TurningPoint 5 is no longer supported by the vendor and support will end at UNT after summer semester.

About REEF Polling

REEF Polling provides a easy-to-use solution for both presenters and participants. The committee was impressed with its flexibility, low cost, easy integration with Blackboard, ease of use for presenters, pedagogical features for participants, excellent company support, and speedy results.

Transition to REEF will begin now and continue throughout summer semesters with a full implementation beginning in Fall 2016. For summer, instructors may continue to use TurningPoint or may opt for transition to REEF. There will be numerous options for introduction to REEF, both in person and via webinar to help usher in this exciting new option for classroom engagement.

REEF Education has also recently announced limited beta rollout of a new free (yes, free!) feature - REEF Attendance. This web-based option will allow faculty to set up attendance parameters for a class one time each semester and allows students to check in using their personal devices. No more passing attendance sheets around or calling roll! We will be announcing more about this new feature and its capabilities with the assistance of our vendor representatives.

Who to Contact

For Training and Support:                                     
Kathy Roberts  
Instructional Technology Training and Support
(940) 369-5201

For Technical Support:
Faculty Helpdesk
(940) 369-7394