Senate Meetings:

Agendas and Minutes

2016-17 Faculty Senate Meetings:

October 12, 2016

November 9, 2016
December 14, 2016
February 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
April 12, 2017
May 10, 2017
June 14, 2017

University Union, 332
2:00pm - 4:00pm


Academic Affairs Committee

Chair:  John Windsor

Membership: 12 members - 8 faculty elected by the Senate, 1 academic dean elected by the academic deans, and 1 student appointed by the Student Government Association & the Registrar. One member of this committee will be an administrative ex officio non-voting member from the graduate school appointed by the graduate school Vice Provost.

Terms: The chair shall be elected by the members of the committee and serves a 2 year term. Faculty members 3 years, student members and academic dean 1 year.

* Indicates Second Term

  • Group I: Will Derusha (SPAN) - Term Ends 2019*
  • Group II: VACANT (Crawford)
  • Group III: Matthew Dulock (MATH) - Term Ends 2019
  • Group IV: Wendy Watson (PSCI) - Term Ends 2018 
  • Group V:  John Windsor (ITDS)- Term Ends 2017
  • Group VI: VACANT (Mathis)
  • Group VII: VACANT (Thompson)
  • Group VIII: VACANT (Dubberly)

Administrative Representatives:

  • Deans' Representative: VACANT
  • SGA Representative: VACANT
  • Registrar designee: Keitha Robertson
  • VP of AA designee: Christy Crutsinger, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Vice Provost of Toulouse Graduate School designee:  VACANT
  • Admissions Executive Director: Rebecca Lothringer

Academic Affairs Committee Charges 2015-2016:

  • The Academic Affairs Committee shall study and make recommendations to the senate on university policy concerning admission standards of entering undergraduate students;
  • suspension, probation and dismissal of students for academic reasons, standards for graduation;
  • the policies on awarding of honors to graduates;
  • Review the current admission policy of the Graduate School, the retention rate and graduation rate, and the Admissions Standards and Requirements;
  • Work with the Oversight Committee on the Core Curriculum, the Curriculum Committee, and the Associate Deans on continuing oversight of the Core Curriculum to ensure it reflects UNT’s values;
  • “Reconsider and evaluate changes to the transfer admissions standards criteria;”
  • “Reconsider and evaluate course transfer criteria, specifically looking at transfers from UNT-Dallas;”
  • Any other academic concerns that may be assigned by the senate. 

 Academic Affairs Committee Annual Report 2014-2015