Social Science

12/08/2016 - 3:17pm

Since 2013, PUSH, Persevere UNTil Success Happens, has provided a support system for UNT students from the child welfare system, with the students giving back to children currently needing assistance. 

10/20/2016 - 9:52am

Location, location, location. Profitable retailers know a good portion of the success of a brick-and-mortar store depends on its site – but not all companies know how to pick the ideal spot to do business. The inaugural Visiting Scholar Lecture Series through the University of North Texas Economics Research Group, Department of Economics and Department of Geography and the Environment will frame this topic in ways that take the guesswork out of location selection.

10/14/2016 - 8:30am

University of North Texas psychology professor Yolanda Flores Niemann has been invited to join a White House panel dedicated to helping Latinas succeed in education. Niemann will participate in the panel Latinas in Education: Reaching Our Full Potential on Oct. 21.

09/16/2016 - 3:04pm

The first of three televised 2016 presidential election debates is next week, when Republican candidate Donald Trump debates Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, at 8 p.m. (Central) Sept. 26 (Monday). Michael Carroll, director of the UNT Economics Research Group, says the debates can be an opportunity for candidates to address the election topic rated by voters as their No. 1 concern: the economy.

08/22/2016 - 11:00am

At the fourth University of North Texas Recovery Conference Sept. 21-22 (Wednesday-Thursday), Bill Maher, one of the founders of the Family Centered Approach to Intervention and Systemic After Care Coaching program, will discuss skills that family members can use to assist their loved one in starting a lifetime of recovery.

03/01/2016 - 1:04pm

Over the past decade, antisemitic attacks in Europe, such as the ones in Paris in January 2015, have increased, leading many scholars and writers to examine the situation of European Jews and how to quell the violence directed against them. Michael Brenner, the Seymour and Lillian Abensohn Chair in Israel Studies at American University in Washington D.C., will discuss this topic during “European Jews, Israel, and Antisemitism,” a free lecture at the University of North Texas March 7 (Monday).

01/20/2016 - 10:02am

Alexander Heffner, who has covered the youth vote during the last three presidential elections and has hosted PBS' public affairs show, "The Open Mind," since 2014, will give a free lecture at the University of North Texas Feb. 11 (Thursday).

11/24/2015 - 3:20pm

Former Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General Irwin Cotler, an international human rights lawyer, will discuss how the United Nations perpetuates anti-Semitism under the authority of international law during a lecture at the University of North Texas Dec. 1

10/16/2015 - 9:22am

University of North Texas students, faculty and staff members will learn how to start conversations about racial bias, recognize their own biases that may play into social inequality and learn how their singular actions could impact the social structure of race in the U.S. during the College of Public Affairs and Community Service annual Fall Forum Oct. 27 (Tuesday).

09/18/2015 - 1:30pm

UNT doctoral psychology student Jennifer Farrell is recruiting 125 couples to take part in a study examining different aspects of romantic relationships among adults. The Study of Adult Romantic Relationships will focus on couples who have dated for at least six months, including engaged couples who are not yet married.