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University of North Texas

Division of Student Affairs

Student Money Management Center

TD Ameritrade Internship Program

The SMMC TD Ameritrade Intern Program has developed this FREE collection of financial materials and resources. This project began as a financial education collaboration between the UNT College of Business and the SMMC to reach students of all ages to ensure that they have a strong framework of financial skills and to promote careers in the field of finance.

Our Financial Framework presentation was created to introduce college freshman and high school seniors to basic personal financial knowledge, as well as introduce them to possible careers in finance.

Financial Framework Presentation PDF

This activity accompanies the Financial Framework presentation and allows presenters to interact directly with the audience and hopefully provide a real world example of budgeting.

Budegting activity sheet

Here are some great free resources offered online:

Mint.com Budgeting Tools.

Where to get your credit report for free(up to 3 per year).

If you would like to meet with a money coach, please click the following link.