
AMA Mission:

The AMA is a professional association for individuals and organizations leading the practice, teaching and development of marketing knowledge worldwide. Our principal roles are:

Informing: Providing resources, education, career and professional development opportunities Connecting: Serving as a conduit to foster knowledge sharing and relationship building Advancing: Promoting/supporting marketing practice and thought leadership

AMA Vision:

To be the leading marketing resource and network where the best marketing talent gathers to advance the profession of marketing worldwide.


“The University of North Texas possess a diverse population, vast involvement of student produced events, and student activities. Aside from the affordable tuition prices, UNT offers different pathways under the business major, full-time, part-time and online MBA degrees. The location of Denton, Texas is a suitable distance from my hometown Houston, Texas and still is accommodating all my needs for an education and success. I knew I belonged here and the possibilities offered to succeed are endless with an array of opportunities in the surrounding areas. Furthermore, UNT has been featured as the top tier of business schools and I’m honored to attend this university. Business is more than a profession, major, or occupation for me, its a passion. I decided to study business because of the vast career options along with following in the career path of my parents’ in a dual aspect. The specialize category of marketing interested me as I wanted to be a part of a business without owning my own business and marketing was a perfect combination of a creative outlet while still maintaining a business mindset. So far I have had a wonderful experience and interacted with numerous faculty members that have proved they are here to cater to my time and needs. I have learned more about my field of study and how various elements of business make up my major. I’m excited to be in the position as VP of Programs and Professional Development for AMA as I plan to bring an array of opportunities to students at UNT as well as awareness to this nationally recognized Organization.”  –Lauren Vereen, UNT AMA Vice President of Programs and Professional Development