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Collection: Hurricane Sandy

Videos, photos and public service announcements related to Hurricane Sandy response and recovery in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Collection Created:
September 19, 2013
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  • Maryline Vargas and Jazmarie Rivera, Hurricane Sandy disaster survivors, tell their story of losing their apartment in Arverne, New York when a powerful surge from Hurricane Sandy flooded their home and rendered their dwelling uninhabitable.

    "We'll Be Okay"

    Video by Christopher Mardorf
    Maryline Vargas and Jazmarie Rivera, Hurricane Sandy disaster survivors, tell their story of losing their apartment in Arverne, New York when a powerful surge from Hurricane Sandy flooded their home and rendered their dwelling uninhabitable.
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA have been coordinating wood debris removal operations after Hurricane Sandy. The vegetative debris is being converted towood chips for alternative usage.  FEMA currently funds debris removal operations through the Public Assistance program.


    Video by Richard Cardona
    The US Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA have been coordinating wood debris removal operations after Hurricane Sandy. The vegetative debris is being converted towood chips for alternative usage. FEMA currently funds debris removal operations through the Public Assistance program.
  • Hurricane Sandy left several hazardous and environmentally harmful items strewn over impacted areas. FEMA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are working together to properly dispose these items.

    EPA Orphan Items

    Video by Richard Cardona
    Hurricane Sandy left several hazardous and environmentally harmful items strewn over impacted areas. FEMA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are working together to properly dispose these items.
  • The Small Business Administration makes the majority of its loans to homeowners and renters.

    SBA Disaster Home Loans

    Video by Wendell Davis Jr
    The Small Business Administration makes the majority of its loans to homeowners and renters.
  • <p>Over two months after Hurricane Sandy hit New York, FEMA teams are still on the job revisiting survivors to answer questions and help with assistance applications.</p>

    Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams Still on the Job

    Video by Richard Cardona

    Over two months after Hurricane Sandy hit New York, FEMA teams are still on the job revisiting survivors to answer questions and help with assistance applications.

  • When Hurricane Sandy threatened the East Coast, disaster officials and first responders notified residents of mandatory evacuation orders. Survivors of the storm agree that common sense and good citizenship call for compliance in such circumstances.

    Evacuate:Sandy Survivors Speak Out

    Video by Robert Rose
    When Hurricane Sandy threatened the East Coast, disaster officials and first responders notified residents of mandatory evacuation orders. Survivors of the storm agree that common sense and good citizenship call for compliance in such circumstances.
  • At New York disaster recovery centers, survivors who have an access of functional need, are using a variety of tools to help survivors get disaster recovery information that is accessible to them.

    Disability Integration

    Video by Ashley Andujar
    At New York disaster recovery centers, survivors who have an access of functional need, are using a variety of tools to help survivors get disaster recovery information that is accessible to them.
  • Video on the FEMA Corps New York Profile team

    FEMA CORPS New York Profile 2

    Video by Warren Watson
    Video on the FEMA Corps New York Profile team
  • Even though FEMA's Disaster Recovery Centers have closed, FEMA's Helpline remains available for survivors to register for disaster assistance.

    Connecticut Message of the Week with ASL: Helpline

    Video by Shirley Tracey
    Even though FEMA's Disaster Recovery Centers have closed, FEMA's Helpline remains available for survivors to register for disaster assistance.
  • Americorps members of the Hoopa Tribal CCC assist the citzens and state of New Jersey in recovery following Hurricane Sandy.

    Americorps: Hoopa TCCC

    Video by Dylan Tilley
    Americorps members of the Hoopa Tribal CCC assist the citzens and state of New Jersey in recovery following Hurricane Sandy.
  • When disasters strike, and important psrt of the FEMA response and recovery team is the Faith Based Community. Volunteers from many different religions and cultures come together to bring support and comfort to the residents of the impacted areas.

    Faith Based Volunteers and Disasters

    Video by Christopher Foshee
    When disasters strike, and important psrt of the FEMA response and recovery team is the Faith Based Community. Volunteers from many different religions and cultures come together to bring support and comfort to the residents of the impacted areas.
  • AmeriCorps coordinates volunteers in the Union Beach New Jersey Hurricane Sandy Disaster. Volunteers explain why they are involved.

    Volunteering, It's an amazing feeling

    Video by Wendell Davis Jr
    AmeriCorps coordinates volunteers in the Union Beach New Jersey Hurricane Sandy Disaster. Volunteers explain why they are involved.
  • FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer in Connecticut, Albie Lewis, talks about FEMA's role in providing Public Assistance.  The Public Assistance program awards grant money to local governments to help repair and or rebuild infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

    Connecticut Message of the Week on Public Assistance

    Video by Shirley Tracey
    FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer in Connecticut, Albie Lewis, talks about FEMA's role in providing Public Assistance. The Public Assistance program awards grant money to local governments to help repair and or rebuild infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
  • In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, many New York homeowners are looking at raising their homes when they rebuild or renovate to protect their property when the next flood occurs.

    Elevating the row house

    Video by Warren Watson
    In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, many New York homeowners are looking at raising their homes when they rebuild or renovate to protect their property when the next flood occurs.
  • This Public Service Announcement is targeted at Spanish speaking audiences encouraging viewers to apply for assistance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

    Public Service Announcement - Spanish

    Video by Richard Cardona
    This Public Service Announcement is targeted at Spanish speaking audiences encouraging viewers to apply for assistance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
  • FEMA community relations uses "FEMA For Kids" to teach students disaster preparedness in schools.

    FEMA For Kids in Schools

    Video by Iabil Garza
    FEMA community relations uses "FEMA For Kids" to teach students disaster preparedness in schools.
  • This Public Service Announcement is targeted at Russian speaking audiences encouraging viewers to apply for assistance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

    Public Service Announcement - Russian

    Video by Ashley Andujar
    This Public Service Announcement is targeted at Russian speaking audiences encouraging viewers to apply for assistance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
  • This Public Service Announcement is targeted at Japanese speaking audiences encouraging viewers to apply for assistance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

    Public Service Announcement - Japanese

    Video by Richard Cardona
    This Public Service Announcement is targeted at Japanese speaking audiences encouraging viewers to apply for assistance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
  • Public Service Announcement on FEMA Corps.

    I am FEMA

    Video by Steve Zumwalt
    Public Service Announcement on FEMA Corps.
  • Volunteers from Union Beach Boroughs Hall explain how they came together, and how they are helping those in need post Hurricane Sandy.

    Union Beach is full of Amazing People

    Video by Wendell Davis Jr
    Volunteers from Union Beach Boroughs Hall explain how they came together, and how they are helping those in need post Hurricane Sandy.