Overview of the IgCC

Code officials recognize the need for a modern, up-to-date code governing the impact of buildings and structures on the environment. The International Green Construction Code (IgCC) is designed to meet this need through model code regulations that contain clear and specific requirements with provisions that promote safe and sustainable construction in an integrated fashion with the ICC Family of Codes.

This comprehensive green code establishes minimum regulations for building systems and site considerations using prescriptive and performance-related provisions. It is intended to be an overlay code to be used with, and is fully compatible with, the Family of International Codes.

Benefits of the IgCC:

  • IgCCThis code has been developed in collaboration with Cooperating Sponsors:
    • American Institute of Architects (AIA)
    • ASTM International
    • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
    • Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
    • U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
  • The IgCC is fully coordinated with the family of I-Codes to ensure provisions are applied and enforced in a manner that does not compromise safety.
  • The IgCC is the first model code that includes sustainability measures for the entire construction project and its site—from design through construction, certificate of occupancy and beyond.
  • Provisions of the IgCC encourage the use of new and smarter technological advances.
  • The IgCC references nationally developed consensus standards.
  • The publication also contains ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1 for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings Except Low Rise Residential Buildings as an alternative path of compliance.

The IgCC is known for:

  • Sustainable Construction – The IgCC provides a vehicle for jurisdictions to regulate green for the design and performance of new and renovated buildings in a manner that is integrated with existing codes, allowing buildings to reap the rewards of improved design and construction practices.
  • Ease of Use – The IgCC uses the same easy-to-use format provided in all I-Codes.
  • Embrace of New Technology – The IgCC provides the building industry with language that both broadens and strengthens building codes in a way that will accelerate the construction of high performance, green buildings.
  • Correlation – The IgCC is specifically correlated to work with ICC's family of codes.
  • Open and Honest Code Development Process – The IgCC is revised on a three year cycle through ICC's highly-respected consensus code development processthat draws upon the expertise of hundreds of sustainable construction, plumbing, building and safety experts from across North America.

Code Development

Current Version: 2015 IgCC

  • Click here to purchase the 2015 IgCC, released in June 2015.

Upcoming Version: 2018 IgCC Development

The International Green Construction Code provisions provide many benefits, among which is the model code development process that offers an international forum for building professionals to discuss performance and prescriptive code requirements. This forum provides an excellent arena to debate proposed revisions. This model code also encourages international consistency in the application of provisions.

  • Click here for the 2018 Code Development Schedule.
  • Click here for cdpACCESS. Learn more about ICC's new web-based code development process called cdpACCESS.
Get Involved

Adoptions of the IgCC

The International Green Construction Code is in use or adopted in 13 states and the District of Columbia.

As a model code, the IgCC is intended to be adopted in accordance with the laws and procedures of a governmental jurisdiction. When adopting a model code like the IgCC, some jurisdictions amend the code in the process to reflect local practices and laws. Click here for additional code adoption resources and for sample adoption ordinances.


Support references for the IgCC

ICC publishes support products and materials to help users of the International Codes to improve their knowledge and understanding of the code. Key publications based on the IgCC are provided below, click here for the full list on the ICC Bookstore.


Certification of Personnel

ICC offers certification programs for inspectors and examiners to the International Green Construction Code. Current certification programs specifically designed for the IgCC include:

Green Building—Residential Examiner, IgCC Commercial Inspector, IgCC Commercial Inspector with ASHRAE 189.1, IgCC Plans Examiner, and IgCC Plans Examiner with ASHRAE 189.1.

ICC-ES Environmental Programs

For decades, ICC-ES has been the United States® leader in evaluating building products for code compliance. ICC-ES technical evaluations of building products—ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs)—are the industry gold standard for providing evidence that products and systems meet code requirements. With its remarkable history, ICC-ES is uniquely positioned to respond to the increased demand for the evaluation of "green" building products, with a program that benefits manufacturers, code officials and the design community.

A nonprofit, limited liability corporation, ICC-ES is the United States' leading evaluation service for innovative construction materials and systems. ICC-ES developed the Environmental Programs in conjunction with International Code Council (ICC) activities that are aimed at developing and fostering sustainable design and construction.

The ICC-ES Environmental Programs (formerly known as SAVE®) provide manufacturers with independent and comprehensive evaluation and/or certification that their products meet specific sustainability targets. Click here for information on the ICC-ES VAR Environmental Reports and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Program.

Technical Opinions

Staff Code Opinions and Committee Interpretations are intended to provide technical support and clarification of code text for adopting jurisdictions, design professionals, and members of the construction industry. Technical Opinions on codes and standards are an exclusive benefit of ICC Membership.


Training and Education for the IgCC

ICC provides a full suite of training courses geared specifically for the sustainable codes. ICC instructors provide hands-on, practical problem-solving training and are available to teach on-site single or multiday courses. For more information click here or call 888-ICC-SAFE (888-422-7233), ext. 33818.

Select topics include:

  • 2012 IgCC Fundamentals
  • 2012 IEBC Fundamentals
  • 2012 IEBC Update
  • 2012 IECC Significant Changes
  • 2012 IECC Fundamentals
  • 2012 IECC Update
Get Involved

Get Involved

ICC operates a number of committees and councils related to the development and maintenance of codes and standards. There are several that relate specifically to the IgCC. Click here for information on the full range of current technical committees.

  • Sustainability, Energy and High Performance Building Code Action Committee
  • IgCC General Code Committee
  • IgCC Energy and Water Code Committee
  • Energy Conservation, Existing Building, Green, Property Maintenance, Zoning Code Interpretation Committee