Product Support Manager (PSM)

Product Support Manager (PSM) [Suggest Change]

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Primary Functional Area : Life Cycle Logistics

Definition [Suggest Change]

According to para of the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) entitled Product Support Manager (PSM), “the day-to-day oversight and management of the product support functions are delegated to a product support manager who is responsible for managing the package of support functions required to field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of major weapon systems, subsystems, and components. This includes all functions related to weapon system readiness."

General Information/Narrative [Suggest Change]

"The Secretary of Defense shall require that each major weapon system be supported by a product support manager…" to "maximize value to the Department of Defense by providing the best possible product support outcomes at the lowest operations and support cost." -- FY10 NDAA, Section 805

On October 7, 2009, House-Senate Conference Committee Agreement was reached on the Fiscal Year 2010 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and the next day, the House approved the FY2010 Defense Authorization Conference Report. It was signed into law (P.L. 111-84) by the President on October 28, 2009. Amended several times in the next several years, on January 3, 2013, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, Public Law 112-239 (P.L. 112-239). Section 823 of the FY13 NDAA entitled "Codification and Amendment Relating to Life-Cycle Management and Product Support Requirements", officially repealed Section 805 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public Law 111-84) and amended Chapter 137 of title 10, United States Code (as amended by section 331) to add the following new section: "Sec. 2337. Life-cycle management and product support." This codifies in statute (10 U.S.C. 2337) the "Life-Cycle Management and Product Support Requirements" governing the Product Support Manager (PSM).

10 U.S.C §2337. Life-Cycle Management and Product Support paragraph b(1) that states "the Secretary of Defense shall require that each major weapon system be supported by a product support manager in accordance with this subsection". Paragraph b(2) lists nine statutory responsibilities of the PSM, stating that "a product support manager for a major weapon system shall-

  • develop and implement a comprehensive product support strategy for the weapon system;
  • use appropriate predictive analysis and modeling tools that can improve material availability and reliability, increase operational availability rates, and reduce operation and sustainment costs;
  • conduct appropriate cost analyses to validate the product support strategy, including cost-benefit analyses as outlined in Office of Management and Budget Circular A–94;
  • ensure achievement of desired product support outcomes through development and implementation of appropriate product support arrangements;
  • adjust performance requirements and resource allocations across product support integrators and product support providers as necessary to optimize implementation of the product support strategy;
  • periodically review product support arrangements between the product support integrators and product support providers to ensure the arrangements are consistent with the overall product support strategy;
  • prior to each change in the product support strategy or every five years, whichever occurs first, revalidate any business-case analysis performed in support of the product support strategy;
  • ensure that the product support strategy maximizes small business participation at the appropriate tiers; and
  • ensure that product support arrangements for the weapon system describe how such arrangements will ensure efficient procurement, management, and allocation of Government-owned parts inventories in order to prevent unnecessary procurements of such parts."
  • identify obsolete electronic parts included in specifications for an acquisition program and approve suitable replacements for such electronic parts (Note: from Public Law 113-66 (FY14 NDAA), Sec 803)

10 U.S.C §2337. Life-Cycle Management and Product Support also clarified the roles, responsibilities, and definition of the Product Support Integrator (PSI) under Performance Based Life Cycle Support (PBL) arrangements by stating that ''product support integrator means an entity within the Federal Government or outside the Federal Government charged with integrating all sources of product support, both private and public, defined within the scope of a product support arrangement." This is important, both from how DoD plans, develops, fields, and manages product support and sustainment of its major weapon systems, and how Performance Based Life Cycle Product Support (PBL) arrangements are managed and executed in the future.

The law mandates that:

  • the Secretary of Defense issue comprehensive guidance on life-cycle management and development/implementation of product support strategies for major weapon systems;
  • each major weapon system be supported by a product support manager (PSM); and
  • each PSM position be performed by a properly qualified member of the armed forces or full-time employee of the Department of Defense

DoD policy implementing P.L. 111-84, Section 805 (and subsequently 10 U.S.C. 2337) was originally contained in "Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 10-015 – Requirements for Life Cycle Management and Product Support", initially issued October 7, 2010, with several subsequent extensions (Note: the issuance of the Interim DoDI 5000.02 in November 2013 officially rescinded DTM 10-015). 

In addition 10 U.S.C. §1706. Government Performance of Certain Acquisition Functions states "It shall be the goal of the Department of Defense and each of the military departments to ensure that, for each major defense acquisition program and each major automated information system program, each of the following positions is performed by a properly qualified member of the armed forces or full-time employee of the Department of Defense (to include)...(7) Program lead product support manager".

Other related references include:

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Policies, Directives, Regulations, Laws [Suggest Change]

Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Stories, Guides, Handbooks, Templates, Examples, Tools [Suggest Change]

Guides & Handbooks:

Tools, Templates & Articles:

Training Resources [Suggest Change]

  • CLL 001 Life Cycle Management & Sustainment Metrics
  • CLL 005 Developing a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan
  • CLL 008 Designing for Supportability in DoD Systems
  • CLL 011 Performance Based Logistics (PBL)
  • CLL 012 Supportability Analysis
  • CLL 036 Product Support Manager (PSM)

Life Cycle Logistics Career Field Certification & Core Plus Development Guides. A variety of Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification and executive level non-certification training courses have direct bearing on Product Support and PSM success, including (but not limited to):

  • LOG 102 System Sustainment Management Fundamentals
  • LOG 206 Intermediate System Sustainment Management
  • LOG 211 Supportability Analysis
  • LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics
  • LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support
  • LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management
  • LOG 465 Executive Product Support Manager's Course
  • ACQ 405 Executive Refresher Course

Communities [Suggest Change]

Life Cycle Logistics
Performance Based Logistics
Reliability, Availability & Maintainability
Requirements Management
Risk Management

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Attachments [Suggest Change]

Page Information

Page Views 15,601
Created on 6/4/2010
Modified on 8/15/2016
Last Reviewed 3/30/2016