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R3 for the Reserve Component (RC) Sailor

During the Return, Reunion, and Reintegration an (R3) phase the IA Sailor returns home and transitions back to their NOSC. IA Sailors are expected to complete a series of briefings and medical checks as part of their R3 phase to ensure a successul reintigration ("Re-deployment" is an Army term sometimes used when describing the Sailor's "Return" portion of R3).

  • The R3 phase begins with the first I-Stop after leaving theater (typically the Warrior Transition Program (WTP) or NMPS).
  • The purpose of the R3 phase is to facilitate the return of the IA Sailor and Medical / Family / Unit / Civillian Employment reintegration.
  • The R3 phase ends when nine months have passed since the IA Sailor's return, DHAs completed, and all medical issues have been resolved.

Know-Before-You-Return Checklists

Tips & Best Practices

Want to Know More?

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Take advantage of Chaplain Support.
  • Returning to Homelife After Deployment is an outstanding article at that helps Navy families think about R3 in advance of homecoming, how to plan the first day, the first week and the first months.
  • Armed Forces Crossroads' online pamphlet helps IA Sailors overcome the challenges associated with coming home in the following five categores: (1) reunion and the single member; (2) reunion and marriage; (3) reunion and children; (4) reunion and single parents; and finally (5) reunion and work.
  • The National Military Family Association hosts helpful articles on Reunion and Reinitegration. The USMC Return and Reunion Guide hosted there is one of the more thorough and practical handbooks for planning for R3 available.
  • The Returning from a War Zone Family Guide is a Veterans' Administration publication which helps both the Sailor and their family through the readjustment process following a war zone mobilization. It contains simple, straightforward information supported by veteran testimonials.
  • The comprehensive Deployment Readiness Guide.
  • "Plan My Delpoyment: Reintegration" provides comprehensive checklists and resources for IA Sailors and their families.