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Reserve Sailor Pre-deployment

The pre-deployment phase is a complete administrative/ medical screening procedure to ensure the Sailor's suitability for deployment, followed by training and administrative preparation of the Sailor and his or her dependents for deployment.

  • Pre-deployment begins with notification of orders.
  • The purpose of pre-deployment activities is prepare the Sailor for mobilization, primarily by completing the Expeditionary Screening Checklist (ESC) and attending a Deployment Readiness Training (DRT) event.
  • Pre-deployment ends when the Sailor departs his or her Parent Command for the Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS).

Know-Before-You-Go Checklists

  • Volunteer to mobilize.
  • Notification: What to do when you get orders. 
  • Consider taking advantage of Pre-deployment early eligibility for TRICARE.
  • Screening:  Required actions for you and your Parent Commant to screen you for suitability of your IA assignment within 30 days of notification.
  • Preparing Yourself:  Required and recommended actions for you to train and prepare yourself for your mobilization during the Pre-deployment phase.
    • Per the ESC, ensure you have a detaching FITREP/EVAL from your parent command.
  • Preparing Your Family:  Required and recommended actions to prepare your family for your mobilization and provide support for them in your absence. This page should be reviewed by single and married IA Sailors alike to ensure personal legal and financial readiness for deployment.
  • What to pack when you depart for NMPS.
  • I have an emergency!

Tips & Best Practices

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