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Navy Individual Augmentee (IA) Website Privacy and Security Notice
  1. The Navy Individual Augmentee (IA) Website is provided as a public service by Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command.
  2. Information presented on the IA Website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
  3. For site management, information is collected for statistical purposes. This government computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.
  4. For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
  5. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits.
  6. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1987 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.
  7. Cookie Disclaimer. The IA Website does not use cookies, i.e., tokens that pass information back and forth from your machine to the server and remain after you close your browser.
  8. If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, please forward them to the IA Webmaster.
Disclaimer for External Links

The appearance of hyperlinks on this page does not constitute endorsement by the Federal Government, the Department of Defense, or the Defense Information Systems Agency of linked web sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the Defense Information Systems Agency does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at linked locations. External links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this DoD web site.