This is an official U.S. Navy web site.

Commanding Officer's Pledge
The entire staff at Naval Health Clinic Quantico is committed to providing you and your family the highest quality care in a safe and friendly environment. We look forward to partnering with you in meeting your health and wellness needs.

Seeking assistance with Patient Issues/Complaints/Compliments: Please ask for and seek out the clinic Patient Relations Representative for your first line intervention/discussion. All efforts will be made to assist you and recommend appropriate solutions to deliver the best possible care to you and your family. Additionally, you may seek assistance of the Command Customer Relations Representative at 703-784-1534 or in office 2F07. After 1600, the Command Duty Officer will also be available for assistance.


Access to Care: Impartial access to treatment or accommodations that are available and medically indicated, regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin or religion.

Respect and Dignity: Consideration, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances, with recognition of your personal dignity and that of your family members.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Personal and informational privacy as manifested by the right to:

  • • refuse to talk with or see anyone not officially connected with your hands on care. This includes students or others involved in various health care training programs.
  • • wear appropriate personal religious or symbolic clothing as long as it does not interfere with treatment or diagnostic procedures.
  • • be assured reasonable audiovisual privacy for interviews and examinations, and a chaperone upon request.
  • • expect that any discussion or consultation about your care will be conducted discreetly and privately.
  • • expect that all communications and records pertinent to your care be treated as confidential.
  • • have your medical record read only by people involved in your treatment or the monitoring of its quality, and by other individuals only by written authorization by you or your legally authorized representative.

You and Your Child: Questions and concerns about your child's treatment will be answered and advice given when requested.

Personal Safety: Reasonable safety in clinic practices and environment.

Identify: Knowing the name, professional status and credentials of individuals who provide your care and which provider is primarily responsible for your care or the care of your family.

Information: Complete information about your diagnosis, treatment, and any known prognosis (expected outcome) in terms that you and members of your family can understand.

Communication: Access to interpreter services when language barriers are identified. Question the NHCQ staff for any lack of understanding.

Consultation: Within available means, consultation with a specialist for a second opinion.

Consent: Active participation in decisions involving health care based on a clear concise explanation of the condition, proposed research, technical procedures (including possibilities of risk, mortality or serious side effects), problems related to recuperation, and probability of success.

Refusal of Treatment: You may refuse treatment within the extent permitted by law. When your desires violate professional and ethical standards, your health care provider's relationship with you may be terminated upon reasonable notice.

Patient Concerns: Any concerns about care can be reported without fear of losing access to care.

Advance Directive: In addition to the refusal of treatment, you have the right to designate a representative to make health care decisions if you become unable to do so. You have the right to formulate an advance directive (living will and/or medical durable power of attorney), and to take part in ethical issues pertinent to your care.

Transfer and Continuity of Care: Transfer to another facility only after explanation of the need for the transfer and acceptance by the new facility.

Clinic Rules and Regulations: Information about clinic rules and regulations applicable to your conduct as a patient and how patient complaints are initiated, reviewed, and resolved.

Pain Management: A comprehensive evaluation of the source of pain and initiation of appropriate treatment plan for control of pain.

Research Project: Be asked permission for participation in research and the ability to refuse participation without fear of losing access to care.

Additionally, for Pediatric Patients: Access to care as dictated by Code of Virginia §54.1-2969, authorizes treatment of minors as adults if the minor is married or has been married; seeks treatment or advice concerning (1) sexually transmitted diseases, birth control or family planning except for the purposes of sexual sterilization, (2) substance abuse, (3) mental illness or emotional disturbances.

Minimal separation between you and your parent and/or legal guardian. Separation will occur only when specifically indicated tor treatment.


Provision of Information: Provide to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, and illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health. Report unexpected changes in your condition to your health care provider. Make it known if you do not clearly understand the planned course of action and what is expected of you. Also, express concern for any perceived risks to your safety.

Compliance with Instructions: Follow the treatment plan as outlined by your healthcare provider, to include instructions of nurses, corpsmen, and allied health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care. Keep appointments and please notify the clinic when you are unable to do so.

Refusal of Treatment: You are responsible for your own actions when you refuse treatment or do not follow your health care provider's instructions.

Clinic Rules: Follow clinic rules and regulations regarding patient care and conduct.

Respect and Considerations: Be considerate of the rights of other patients and clinic personnel and assist in the control of noise, and other nuisances. Respect the property of other persons and the clinic.

Protecting Others From Illness or Infection: Promptly notify clinic staff if you feel that you have, or may have, been exposed to an infectious or communicable disease.

Medical Records: All medical records are the property of the U.S. Government and must be returned so that medical documents can be included in the record at the appropriate Medical or Dental Treatment Facility.

Welcome to Naval Health Clinic Quantico
The preferred choice for operational readiness and quality family centered care.
Commanding Officer Ronald R Martel, CAPT, Medical Service Corps, USN
Executive Officer Theron C. Toole, CAPT, Medical Corps, USN
Command Master Chief HMCM(FMF) Bradley B. Weiss, USN
For questions and concerns contact us at
To Schedule an Appointment: Call 1-888-784-1802 or click here.
To ask your PCM a non-urgent question, send them a secure message via Relay Health.
FOR EMERGENCIES: Go To The Nearest Emergency Room or Dial 911
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