In the Spotlight In the Spotlight

10 Ways to Maintain Your Weight Over the Holidays

During the Holiday season it is difficult and sometimes unrealistic to lose weight due to the temptation of large portions, unhealthy food choices, and the traditions of the holiday season. Maintaining weight is a more realistic goal to set during this time. Here are 10 healthy holiday eating tips in order to maintain weight during the holiday season.

Grandpa Had Diabetes? Why Your Health History Matters

Tracing family histories has become a popular pastime. Family ancestry websites have sprung up on the Internet and a recent TV series features celebrities in search of their past. A perhaps less glamorous, but very important, part of a family's legacy is its health history.

Spread Only Good Cheer: Get Your Flu Vaccination

Flu season arrives with the cold weather. As we get ready for the holidays, when you'll be surrounded by family and friends, it's a good time to get a flu vaccination.
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The Blue Button is a feature that packages all your available health records into a single file that you can safely share with doctors, nurses, clinicians, even family members. Read More

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Upgrading to a Premium Account

If you are a Veteran and use the VA health care system, then a Premium My HealtheVet Account is for you. To upgrade your account, you need to be authenticated. What you need to know ยป