Information for Current Grantees

Successful applicants receive an electronic Notice of Award (NoA) from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) that indicates the grant (program) start date and end date. The NoA is the authorizing document from the ACL authorizing official, Chief Grants Management Officer and the ACL Office of Budget and Finance. Acceptance of this award is signified by the drawdown of funds from the Payment Management System.

Once you receive your NoA, your grant program work can begin. As an ACL grantee, there are requirements that you will need to know as you work to fulfill the expectations of your grant award. Your Grants Management Specialist and ACL Project Officer are always available to answer questions or discuss any issues that may arise as you progress through the implementation of your grant program.

In this section, we offer resources that will help you administer your grant award. The following sections provide detailed information and links to ACL and other federal resources:

If you have any additional questions or require further clarification on any of the information provided in the above links, please email your ACL Grants Management Specialist.

Last Modified: 12/23/2016