

Better Buying Power

Repository of successful Should-Cost case studies and lessons learned. This site is restricted to DoD Government employees who are members of the Defense Acquisition Workforce.

DoD Components

A knowledge repository for Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Results and Successes for DoD, Service, Agency, and industry lessons learned, best practices, successes, examples, initiatives, processes. This site contains PBL Award Winning Programs, Proof Point Initiatives, Lessons Learned and Proven Practices, and Program and Service-specific PBL Initiatives for the benefit of PBL practitioners from all defense acquisition workforce functional communities, including but not limited to life cycle logisticians, product support managers, program managers, and contracting officers.


Acquisition Proven Practices / Lessons Learned

A repository of unclassified After Action Reports from deployed Contingency Contracting Officers. An AAR is a professional discussion of an event, focused on performance standards, that enables soldiers to discover for themselves what happened, why it happened, and how to sustain strengths and improve on weaknesses.

Pending AAR tool website


The Acquisition Lessons Learned Portal was established at the direction of the Army Acquisition Executive to provide the capability to collect, archive, analyze, and disseminate lessons learned to provide the Army materiel acquisition enterprise with a tool to make informed decisions based on historical trends and best practices, and influence acquisition policies, planning, execution and decisions.

Army (AMC)

A consolidation of publicly available information, the Overseas Contingency Operations Acquisition History and Lessons Learned CoP is designed as a searchable repository for overseas contingency acquisition, or acquisition related, lessons learned, policies and regulations, and special assessments regarding Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. This site includes reports from GAO, SIGAR, SIGIR, Commission on Wartime Contracting, CRS, news reports, and Legislative reports. This site is restricted to government only due to the consolidated nature of the content.

Contributed by DAU

DAU’s Service Acquisition Mall is a proven practice which provides usable tools and templates to create a performance-based service acquisition requirement. SAM provides a working level understanding of the Seven Steps to Acquisition Services. SAM’s structured content helps acquisition personnel develop the fundamentals of their contracts.


SAM's Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT) is an automated job assistance tool, built using Microsoft Office applications, and used to write performance-based requirements following the Requirements Roadmap process. Using ARRT, you can create Performance Work Statements (PWS), Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASP), and Performance Requirement Summaries (PRS). Its step-by-step approach guides the user through questions, using the answers to create the requirements documents needed for the contract.

Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT)


This Smart Shutdown site provides for information exchange and peer-to-peer discussions to provide acquisition organizations enterprise best practices to accomplish smart, disciplined, efficient, and effective program terminations. This site provides a forum for identifying goals, processes, shortfalls, issues, best practices, plans, and considerations in all aspects of program termination activities. On an “as requested” basis, this site contains Program Reviews supporting proven practices and lessons learned.

Contributed by DAU

DoD identifies twelve interdisciplinary Integrated Product Support Elements in the DoD Product Support Manager (PSM) Guidebook (https://acc.dau.mil/psm-guidebook) and in the DoD Integrated Product Support Element Guidebook (https://acc.dau.mil/ips-guidebook): Product Support Management, Design Interface, Sustaining Engineering, Supply Support, Maintenance Planning and Management, Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation (PHS&T), Technical Data, Support Equipment, Training and Training Support, Manpower and Personnel, Facilities and Infrastructure, and Computer Resources. Successful integration of these product support elements facilitates optimization of Warfighter readiness, supportability, suitability and affordability requirements.

Contributed by DAU

This interdisciplinary product support repository profiles more than 400 government and commercial analytical tools for facilitating product support decisions, with an emphasis on DoD system product support. This database include decision support tools and data sources for product support modeling, simulation, management, analysis, assessment, evaluation, and logistics product data management. For each tool, users will find a description, the processes the tool or data source supports, the Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element(s) (https://acc.dau.mil/ips-guidebook) the tool or data source supports, Services that use that particular tool or data source, and additional information about each tool or data source.

Contributed by DAU

This site provides additional website links to various Proven Practice and Lessons Learned resources segregated by functional area and organization.

Contributed by AT&L Workforce

Success Stories

The David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award, recognizes organizations, groups, and teams that have demonstrated exemplary innovation and best practices in acquisition.

Contributed by DAU

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