
Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS)


This website provides access to the Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) standard (ISO 10303-239) and related technologies.

To abide by ISO Copyright rules, some areas of this site are password protected and only available to members of the PLCS OASIS Technical Subcommittee. These links are marked lock. Access details are available from the PLCS OASIS Technical Subcommittee secretary PLCS OASIS Technical Subcommittee.

Product Life Cycle Support DEXs Version R4 released for Public review
The OASIS Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) TC has recently approved the following specification as a Committee Draft and approved the package for public review:
Product Life Cycle Support DEXs Version R4
This includes:
DEX D003 - Task Set

The public review starts today, 9 August 2010, and ends 24 August 2010. This specification was previously submitted for a 60-day public review on 22 April 2008[1]; this 15-day review is limited in scope to changes made from the previous review. All changes are indicated in the accompanying change log.
This is an open invitation to comment. We strongly encourage feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.

More non-normative information about the specification and the technical committee may be found at the public home page of the TC at:
Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be located via the button marked "Send A Comment" at the top of that page, or directly at:

Submitted comments (for this work as well as other works of that TC) are publicly archived and can be viewed at: All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members.

The specification document and related files are available here: Please note that the PDF version contains only the cover page - generating a PDF copy of the full set of contents results in a file over 3000 pages in length. The content is intended to be used/reviewed interactively.

Diff version noting changes or change log:
Editable Source:

OASIS and the PLCS TC welcome your comments.
The complete specification document and related files can be downloaded from: A baselined release of DEXlib
ISO 10303 239 edition 2 released for ballot as a Draft International Standard
ISO 10303 239 edition 2 has been released for ballot as a Draft International Standard.
TC184/SC4 Ballot Announcement Message
Message Number: 0044
Ref_ID: (SC4BallotAnnounce0044)Vote on ISO/TC 184/SC4 ISO/DIS 10303-239 (Ed 2) Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 239: Application protocol: Product life cycle support
The following message is also available from the ISO TC184/SC4 website, SC4ONLINE .
SubCommittee Name: TC184/SC4, Industrial data
SC4ONLINE Location:  Whats New, General Documents, SC4 Ballot Announcements and Reminders, 2010 - Present Folder (
ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Standard: 10303-239 ed2
Type of Ballot: DIS
Expected Action: Vote on SC4 Ballot
Due Date (Expected Action): 2010-09-23
Type of Message: TC184/SC4 Ballot Announcement
Ballot Status Report Link for all SC4 Outstanding Ballots: SC4 Ballot Status Report
Message: P-members are expected to vote on TC184/SC4 Ballot Initiatives by the due date.  A reminder message will be issued 30 days prior to ballot closing. All ballots are issued by the ISO Central Secretariat.  P-members must vote using the ISO Committee Electronic Balloting Application for votes.  Votes must be executed within the ISO date.  Deadlines are FIRM!  Once the ballot is closed, no modifying of votes or comments is allowed.

PLCS OASIS TC members can access ISO 10303-239 edition 2 onlinelock or down loadlock it from this site.


Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) is an ISO STEP standard (ISO 10303-239) that enables the creation and management through time of an Assured set of Product and Support Information (APSI) which can be used to specify and control required support activities throughout a complex product's life.

ISO 10303-239 provides an application-specific, but flexible, information model as part of the ISO STEP series of standards. The information model can be tailored by industry and organizations through the use of Reference Data Libraries (RDL). The role of RDL is to complete the semantics of the PLCS model necessary for deployment in industry.

The benefit of ISO 10303-239 (PLCS) is its integrated view. However this means that it has a large and generic information model that is larger in scope than most business processes require or most IT applications can manage.

This problem is addressed by defining "Data Exchange Specification (DEX)"

Data Exchange Specifications (DEX)

A DEX is a way of dividing up the ISO 10303-239 (PLCS) information model into sections suited for a particular business process. A DEX provides a subset of the PLCS information model and usage guidance. A DEX can be used to contract against or for setting conformance but AP239 implementations do not have to use DEXs.

ISO 10303-239 (PLCS) has been published as an ISO standard. The DEXs are initially being standardised by publishing the subset of ISO 10303-239 (PLCS) and associated usage guidance material as OASIS standards. Once they have been used extensively, they will be included as conformance classes of ISO 10303-239.

The contents of a DEX

Each DEX comprises of

  • Introduction;
  • Business process;
  • A description of the business process that the DEX is supporting;
  • Identification of the process in the AP239 activity model supported;
  • Usage guidance for the model;
  • DEX specific Reference Data;
  • The subset of the Information model supported by the DEX;
  • EXPRESS information model;
  • XML Schema (derived from the EXPRESS);

There are a number of parts of the PLCS model that will be common to many DEXs. (e.g. date and time). Rather than each DEX replicating the usage guidance for these, they are packaged into chapters called "Capabilities" that are reused across different DEXs.

Current set of DEXs

D001 - Product Breakdown for support(in development)
Exchange of the relationship of the parts assembly structure, derived from a PDM system, to an LSI/LCN structure used to manage support, and the links to relevant documents
D002 - Faults related to product structures (in development)
Exchanges the output from Fault Analysis programs in a form that can be used to identify required diagnostic and maintenance tasks, and to provide coherent fault reporting
D003 - Task Set(OASIS Public review)
Exchange of a set of task descriptions, to support a work plan, or for use in multiple support solution definition.
D004 - Work Package Definition (in development)
Exchange and negotiation of a work package for a specific support opportunity including the list of required tasks, location, dates, products and resources.
D005 - Maintenance plan (in development)
Exchange for defining and communicating the work required to sustain a product over time including the results of any Logistic Support Analysis.
D007 - Operational Feedback (in development)
The exchange of the observed configuration, location, state or properties of an actual product, and the communication of work requests to resolve issues arising from feedback on its usage
D008 - Product as Individual(in development)
Exchange and collation of manufacturing and serialised part information and its relationship to the product assembly structure from which it derived.
D009 - Work Package Report(in development)
The exchange to support the reporting of work completion against a work package definition.
D010 - System requirements (in development)
The exchange of requirements information related to a system.
D011 - Aviation maintenace (OASIS Public review)
The exchange of information about work done to a complex asset.

Background to PLCS Inc

PLCS Inc (product life-cycle support) was an international consortia established to develop an ISO standard (ISO 10303-239). The consortia comprised: US Department of Defence, UK Ministry of Defence, Finnish Defence Forces, Norwegian Ministry of Defence, FMV (Swedish Ministry of defence), DNV, Boeing, BAE SYSTEMS, Rolls Royce, Lockheed Martin, SAAB, Hagglunds Vehicles, BAAN, LSC, PTC, Aerosystems International, Pennant. Eurostep Limited provided the technical leadership and programme management for the consortia.

PLCS OASIS Technical Subcommittee

Having delivered ISO 10303-239 as a Draft International standard the consortia disbanded. The future development of PLCS is being coordinated by the OASIS Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) Technical Committee.


The creation of this website was a joint effort between Eurostep and the UK Ministry of Defence Product Data Standards team.