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11.8. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Support to the Entire Product

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Chapter 11 -- Program Management Activities

11.8. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Support to the Entire Product

11.8. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Support to the Entire Product

Modeling and Simulation capabilities can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of conceptualization, development, experimentation, test, and sustainment activities during the life cycle of DoD systems. The program manager should employ M&S resources and products during system design, test and evaluation, modification,upgrade, and operations and sustainment.. The program manager should collaborate with the weapon system operational users, amalysis agencies, test and training activities (e.g. government laboratories and facilities), and consider industry inputs during M&S program planning. Planning should include the application, support, documentation, and reuse of M&S resources, including data and analyses generated outside the program of record, as well as from the program of record; and the integration of M&S across functional disciplines.

The following additional considerations are useful during M&S planning activities:

  • Plan for M&S and make necessary investments early in the acquisition life cycle.
  • Incorporate M&S tools to improve the requirements development process.
  • Employ M&S tools to assist in the evaluation of contractor proposals.
  • Develop system models in preparation for use across a wide range of disciplines (e.g. use of CAD/Cam for training manuals, etc.).
  • Identify or define standards and technical requirements that support re-use or leverage of M&S resources and products throughout the system life cycle to the greatest extent possible. Where it is necessary to invest in M&S development, ensure that licensing is appropriate, and avoid exclusive rights of developer.
  • Use and reuse models and simulations, modified as appropriate to the task, in order to provide consistent and efficient test planning, pre-test results prediction, post test evaluation, and the validation of system interoperability; and to supplement design qualification, actual test and evaluation, manufacturing, and post-production and operational support.
  • Employ verified, validatedmodels and simulations, and ensure credible applicability for each proposed use.
  • Use data from other activities (e.g. development test) during weapon system development to assist in model, simulation, and data validation.
  • Involve the developmental and operational test agencies in M&S planning early in the application of M&S to efficiently support both developmental test and operational test objectives.
  • Have the Defense Intelligence Agency review and validate threat-related elements of the models and simulations.

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