The Brief

Mourners embrace near the site of a warehouse fire, Dec. 4, 2016, in Oakland.
Marcio Jose Sanchez—AP

Oakland Toll Rises to 36

The death toll in the Oakland warehouse fire has grown to 36. Authorities announced the latest tally early Monday, saying they expect the number to rise. Eleven victims have been positively identified, but the names have yet to be publicly released

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls delivers a speech to announce his bid to become the Socialist presidential candidate in the 2017 presidential elections, at the town hall of Evry, south of Paris, on December 5, 2016.

French PM Manuel Valls Is Running for President

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced his candidacy for next year's presidential election and said he will step down from his current role. "I want to give everything for France," the 54-year-old said in a speech


Moana Rides Waves to Top of the Box Office

Disney's Moana topped the domestic box office for the second week in a row, drawing $28.4 million, in a 50% drop from its opening weekend. The film has now earned $119.9 million domestically and $177.4 million worldwide

Democratic Governor nominee Roy Cooper campaigns during an event for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on the campus of the University of Chapel Hill on November 2, 2016 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory Concedes

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has conceded the governor's race, clearing the way for Democrat Roy Cooper to be declared the winner. The concession nearly four weeks after Election Day comes after appeals dried up

Former Vice President Al Gore arrives at Trump Tower on Dec. 5, 2016 in New York City.

Donald Trump Meets With Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore met with president-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York, following a meeting with Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka about climate change. “It was a sincere search for areas of common ground," Gore said

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Holds Florida Press Conference

Trump Taps Carson as Housing Secretary

Donald Trump has chosen former 2016 rival Ben Carson to become secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Trump's decision comes as the real estate mogul continues a series of deliberations aimed at forming his administration

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks to reporters at his official residence in Tokyo on Dec. 5, 2016.

Abe Will Be First Japanese Leader to Visit Pearl Harbor

Shinzo Abe will visit Pearl Harbor, becoming the the first sitting Japanese leader to visit the site of the Dec. 7, 1941 attack of the U.S. naval base in Hawaii, which killed more than 2,000 and pulled America into World War II


Italy's Populists Claim Victory, But Chaos Looms

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s resignation from office on Sunday night after the unexpectedly heavy referendum defeat opens a period of political instability and high risks of market volatility, declaring as winners populist and anti-establishment parties. But what comes next?

Charleston Families Brace for Dylann Roof’s Trial

The relatives of the nine black churchgoers killed in Charleston last year are bracing for the trial of Dylann Roof, set to formally begin this week. “This nation will get an opportunity to see what racism looks like and sounds like,” one family member said


Almost Half of Americans Think Torture Works

Almost half of Americans see torture as a useful way of getting information out of enemy combatants during times of war, according to a new survey. Americans' views on the issue of torture differ from those of people in many other countries

Spring Dining Guide - Comet Ping Pong

Fake News Story Led a Man to Shoot Inside a Pizza Shop

A man who said he was investigating a conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring out of a pizza place fired an assault rifle inside the Washington, D.C., restaurant injuring no one, police and news reports said

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NASA; Richard Prince; Jeff Widener—AP; Donna Ferrato; Nick Ut—AP; Philippe Kahn; Ellen DeGeneres—Twitter via Getty Images. GIF by Marysa Greenawalt for TIME

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