

Currency data is 5 minutes delayed (times in ET) and based on the Bloomberg Generic Composite rate (BGN). See full details and disclaimer.
1 USD = 0.9290 EUR
(2 day)
1 EUR = 1.0764 USD
(2 day)
Currency Value Change Net Change Time (EST) 2 Day
1.0764 0.0100 +0.94% 3:15 PM
113.7900 0.2800 +0.25% 3:15 PM
1.2721 -0.0008 -0.06% 3:15 PM
0.7473 0.0016 +0.21% 3:15 PM
1.3273 -0.0019 -0.14% 3:15 PM
1.0070 -0.0041 -0.41% 3:15 PM
122.4800 1.4000 +1.16% 3:15 PM
0.8461 0.0072 +0.86% 3:15 PM
7.7550 -0.0003 0.00% 3:15 PM
1.0838 0.0057 +0.52% 3:15 PM
1,174.6900 2.1400 +0.18% 1:29 AM
Currency rates are representative of the Bloomberg Generic Composite rate (BGN), a representation based on indicative rates only contributed by market participants. The data is NOT based on any actual market trades. Currency data is 5 minutes delayed, provided for information purposes only and not intended for trading; Bloomberg does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. See full details and disclaimer.