
Business SWAT Teams Work with champions in each business area to identify strategies tailored to their unique challenges and opportunities.

Inclusive Leadership Partner with the Leadership & Learning team to embed diversity and inclusion messaging and concepts into Bloomberg’s global curriculum.

Recruiting Partner with the Recruiting team to identify top talent and optimize presence at diversity conferences and in professional diversity associations. See our partnerships.

Thought Leadership and Research Sponsor key research and thought leadership focused on Diversity & Inclusion.

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Bloomberg Communities are an important part of the global diversity and inclusion strategy. They serve as a forum for employees to share ideas, serve as brand ambassadors and increase professional and leadership development. We support eight communities of which over 3500 employees across global regions are members and participate in activities related to commercial impact, leadership development, marketing, recruiting, and community engagement.

Bloomberg Abilities Community: Committed to raising awareness and creating a supportive and comfortable environment for people with disabilities and their allies.

Ben Foss and Susan Lang, Lime Connect CEO

Disabilities as Strength Not Shame- A Conversation with Ben Foss: Ben Foss and Susan Lang, Lime Connect CEO

Bloomberg Black Professional Community Fosters and supports the development of black employees, promoting a collaborative and inclusive environment that leverages all perspectives and expertise

The Power of Difference Summit: Transforming the Way We Cultivate our Future Workforce. Black Professional Community members with Shawn Edwards, Bloomberg Chief Technology Officer

The Power of Difference Summit: Transforming the Way We Cultivate our Future Workforce. Black Professional Community members with Shawn Edwards, Bloomberg Chief Technology Officer

Bloomberg Latino Community Dedicated to the recruitment and retention of Latino talent at Bloomberg. The Community also highlights Latino culture and the influence of Latinos around the world. Watch video: When the Bloomberg Latino Community Leads, Success Follows

The Emergence of Latin American Art: A conversation featuring Lowery Stokes Sims, Museum of Art and Design. Moderated by Jose Enrique Arrioja, Editor-at-Large for Latin America.

The Emergence of Latin American Art: A conversation featuring Lowery Stokes Sims, Museum of Art and Design. Moderated by Jose Enrique Arrioja, Editor-at-Large for Latin America.

Bloomberg LGBT and Ally Community Committed to fostering a safe and comfortable environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, employees and their allies. Watch video: Bloomberg Celebrates Pride Month 2016

The LGBT and Ally Community participate in Singapore’s Pink Dot Rally

The LGBT and Ally Community participate in Singapore’s Pink Dot Rally

Bloomberg Military & Veterans Community For employees who have served or currently serve in the military, military families, and supporters who promote and maintain Bloomberg as a military-friendly work environment. Learn more about veterans at Bloomberg.

Bloomberg Pan Asian Community Promotes cultural awareness and pride within the company, inspiring employees to expand Bloomberg’s footprint in the Asian professional business community.


Bloomberg Women’s Community Connects and supports women at Bloomberg through awareness, relationship-building and career development. The Bloomberg Women in Technology group encourages women to be leaders in technology and focuses on supporting leadership development, recruitment and retention efforts within the company, as well as mentoring young women pursuing STEM educational and career paths.

Bloomberg Presents Women in Journalism Panel

A Question From the Audience for the Bloomberg Presents Women in Journalism Panel

Working Families Community The Working Families Community provides support and resources to employees who are balancing professional demands and family responsibilities.



We partner with external organizations that provide programs and thought leadership on improving the workplace such as:

  • Unconscious Bias trainings with Future Work Institute
  • Transitioning in the Workplace trainings with PFLAG
  • Working in a Global Environment with CSW Associates
  • Effective Interviewing and Hiring with The Dagoba Group
  • New parents coaching with Talking Talent
  • Best Practices in Working with People with Disabilities with Goodwill
  • Establishing a Professional Presence with Upwardly Global

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