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National Safety Council

National Safety Council

Driving in snow is a fact of life in many parts of the country, and new teen drivers need to practice to master it. Kathy Bernstein Harris has some tips.
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A new NSC report debunks the belief that opioid prescription painkillers are safer to use than over-the-counter pain relievers.

'A new NSC report debunks the belief that opioid prescription painkillers are safer to use than over-the-counter pain relievers.'

Do you live in a Safe Community? Becoming accredited from Safe Communities America can dramatically improve your safety. Check out these results from one community:

'One community saw a $14 million savings in healthcare costs after seeking Safe Communities America accreditation. What improvements have you seen in your Safe Community?'

One community saw a $14 million savings in healthcare costs after seeking Safe Communities America accreditation. What improvements have you seen in your Safe Community?

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Hundreds of construction workers die each year and thousands more face debilitating injuries due to falls in the workplace. NSC is taking a stand against falls by supporting OSHA's Fall Stand-Down this May. Learn more:

'Hundreds of construction workers die each year and thousands more face debilitating injuries due to falls in the workplace. NSC is taking a stand against falls by supporting OSHA's Fall Stand-Down this May. Learn more:'

Ever wonder how workplace safety research and programs can benefit your company? Find out more in our free webinar:

Attendees will get firsthand knowledge about: " The work and mission of NIOSH " How NIOSH conducts research and creates recommendations to advance workplace safety and health " The agencys Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sector Program - protecting some of Americas most vulnerable workers " How…

NSC estimates 35,400 motor vehicle fatalities occurred in 2014. The estimated annual mileage death rate dropped to 1.18 deaths per 100 million miles traveled, matching the lowest NSC preliminary estimate on record. Read the release:

'NSC estimates 35,400 motor vehicle fatalities occurred in 2014. The estimated annual mileage death rate dropped to 1.18 deaths per 100 million miles traveled, matching the lowest NSC preliminary estimate on record. Read the release:'
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Congratulations to the winners of the Safe In Sound awards! Both of this year's winners have shown excellent hearing loss prevention practices. ‪#‎NHCA2015‬

United Technologies Corporation (UTC) is a global company with over 210,000 employees from 46 states and 186 countries. This is only the second time that a Safe-in-Sound Excellence Award™ is presented to an entire corporation and represents an example of excellence across multiple industries and geo…

NIOSH Education and Research Centers are training the next generation of occupational safety and health professionals. Find out more about what the future holds for OSH professionals in our free webinar with Dr. Howard, director of NIOSH :

Attendees will get firsthand knowledge about: " The work and mission of NIOSH " How NIOSH conducts research and creates recommendations to advance workplace safety and health " The agencys Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sector Program - protecting some of Americas most vulnerable workers " How…

NSC congratulates the city of New Castle, Pennsylvania, for becoming the third accredited Safe Community in PA! Find out more about the Safe Communities America program and how New Castle is reducing and preventing injuries:

'NSC congratulates the city of New Castle, Pennsylvania, for becoming the third accredited Safe Community in PA! Find out more about the @[134619529884947:274:Safe Communities America] program and how New Castle is reducing and preventing injuries:'
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15% of young drivers have seen their parents text and drive. If we want our kids to be safe drivers, we have to model the right behavior, parents say.|By Kelly Wallace, CNN

Convincing a key lawmaker to support a piece of legislation can make the difference between a bill being stuck or signed into law. Help NSC better identify your relationships with elected officials and willingness to engage:

'Convincing a key lawmaker to support a piece of legislation can make the difference between a bill being stuck or signed into law. Help NSC better identify your relationships with elected officials and willingness to engage:'
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What role does NIOSH play in workplace safety? Find out in our free webinar on Feb. 26! Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to hear directly Dr. Howard, director of NIOSH. Sign up today:

'What role does NIOSH play in workplace safety? Find out in our free webinar on Feb. 26! Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to hear directly Dr. Howard, director of NIOSH. Sign up today:'
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Looking to donate to the Council’s mission of saving lives and preventing injuries? The Green Cross for Safety dinner provides a great opportunity to get involved!

'Looking to donate to the Council’s mission of saving lives and preventing injuries? The Green Cross for Safety dinner provides a great opportunity to get involved!'

Do you know what to look out for this winter? In her most recent blog in The Huffington Post, Deborah Hersman discusses the 4 winter dangers you need to be aware of to keep your family safe.

With horrific snow storms making their rounds across the country and frigid temperatures keeping us close to home, be prepared for these four common winter dangers to keep your family safe....

We'd like to take this Valentine's Day to thank you all for supporting our mission of saving lives and preventing injuries. We couldn't accomplish what we do without you!

'We'd like to take this Valentine's Day to thank you all for supporting our mission of saving lives and preventing injuries. We couldn't accomplish what we do without you!'

Are you attending the Chicago Auto Show this weekend? As you look at the latest vehicles coming on the market, remember that hands-free isn’t risk-free. Check out Deborah Hersman's piece on infotainment systems in The Huffington Post and tell us what you think. Technology: friend or foe?

While Motor City is rolling out some fantastic new vehicles, including life-saving technologies to alert drivers to hazards and in some cases, actively avoid collisions, we must also be wary of superfluous technologies that claim to make our lives ea...

There's no doubt about it: this winter has been harsh. Are you staying safe? Find out which winter dangers can impact your family in Deborah Hersman's latest blog in The Huffington Post.

With horrific snow storms making their rounds across the country and frigid temperatures keeping us close to home, be prepared for these four common winter dangers to keep your family safe....

Heart attacks show different symptoms in women, such as migraines, stomach pain, nausea and dizziness. In honor of American Heart Month, share this with the women in your life to help keep them safe.

'Heart attacks show different symptoms in women, such as migraines, stomach pain, nausea and dizziness. In honor of American Heart Month, share this with the women in your life to help keep them safe.'

What happens when your teen wants to ride with a friend who just received a license? NSC teen driving expert Kathy Bernstein Harris discusses why her teenage son can't ride with his friends and how she talks to other parents about the risks of young passengers.

Why does it take a tragedy to wake us up? Deborah Hersman of the National Safety Council and Joyce Rose of Operation Lifesaver Inc. co-author this piece in Newsday on rail safety, in light of the devastating Metro-North crash.

Why does it take a tragedy like last week's train crash to awaken us to