Simulation, Computing, & Modeling

NRL capabilities include in-house expertise in parallel processing for large-scale scientific computing and the ability to perform analyses and computational experiments on specific problems using these capabilities. Download the Simulation, Computing, & Modeling section research articles here Simulation_2011.pdf.

Research Articles

  • Vision-Based Recovery of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    A.D. Kahn

  • Simulating Natural Gas Explosions in Semiconfined Geometries
    D.A. Kessler, V.N. Gamezo, and E.S. Oran

  • Using Noise to Reveal Properties of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Making Noise Work for You
    I.B. Schwartz, L. Billings, and M. Dykman

Research Groups

  • Laboratory for Computational Physics & Fluid Dynamics, 6400
    • Center for Reactive Flow & Dynamical Systems, 6410
    • Center for Computational Physics Developments, 6440

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